It is such a pleasure when someone is just as keen to be sketched as I am to sketch them
A better quality copy of this sketch is available to the subject only at with the password supplied.
You can never do too much drawing.
I'm away for the week but should not have any problems keeping this journal going and my 'pet' project for this week is to relocate this blog (or journal if you like) to one of my own domains for the benefit of non-SG members.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~

A better quality copy of this sketch is available to the subject only at with the password supplied.
You can never do too much drawing.
I'm away for the week but should not have any problems keeping this journal going and my 'pet' project for this week is to relocate this blog (or journal if you like) to one of my own domains for the benefit of non-SG members.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~