Its been one of those days where Ive just been unable to read people, and one of those days when tying to persist in doing so in any more than half-hearted fashion seems an exercise in futility; a waste of time that I could put to much better use.
I would describe my state-of-mind at present as communicably-confused: I have become so tangled-up in the branches the intricacies and subtleties in the tenebrous forest of each discourse that I continually stumble and fall over the roots of real-intention!
Perhaps I just need to sleep on it and let my subconscious try to unbrace my rationality.
(`.Dear Program.`)
08.01 22:16hrs
Dear Program
I am sorry to say this, but it seems that you are still malfunctioning; the data that you output during the last testing session was highly erroneous. However, all is not lost as I have a strong feeling as to where things went wrong: the problem lies in the logic of your association sub-routine and I shall attempt to correct it tomorrow morning.
09.01 22:19hrs
Dear Program
After editing the logic of your association sub-routine and after a further round of testing, I have concluded that my original speculation as to the cause of the error reported yesterday was wrong. I now suspect that the problem lies in the format in which the data is fed to you, and how your interface routine interprets it. It seems that it is a case of garbage in, garbage out. This presents me with two choices: re-format the data passed to you or edit the algorithm of your interface routine. The former, in truth, is not as straightforward as it may sound as, to a large degree, the formatting of the data is due to the Metapontus control, the code of which of course, is totally encapsulated. I shall sleep on the problem and make a decision as to my course of action in the morning.
10.01 22:36hrs
Dear Program
I have reviewed and tested your interface routine but have been unable to determine the cause of any misinterpretation of the data passed to it. I am therefore inclined to suspect that the Metapontus control may be at fault with its formatting of the data that it passes to you. As I am unable to re-code the Metapontus control in any way--its code being totally encapsulated--the only solution to this problem would seem to be to adjust your interface routine to compensate for the erroneousness of the passed data, and I shall attempt this in the morning. Another problem worthy of note did also present itself today: it seems that on several occasions some of your variable buffers were not flushed when erroneous data was passed to you, and this bad data was left in memory, wasting valuable resources.
11.01 22:34hrs
Dear Program
I attempted to re-code your interface routine this morning to compensate for the Metapontus controls seemingly erroneous formatting of the data that it passes to you but, alas, to no avail. In fact, I am beginning to suspect that it may not be the fault of the Metapontus control at all. Having examined your interface routine in great depth, I am at a loss at the moment as to where the problem lies. I shall attempt to sleep on it. Also, the problem of your un-flushed memory buffers is more serious than originally suspected: as the content of the buffers is examined during each iteration, the bad data left in your buffers is wasting valuable processing time. I can empathise with your problem as last night I did not sleep well due to the same problem in my own working memory.
12.01 22:56hrs
Dear Program
I am beginning to suspect now that the whole problem is with your un-flushed memory buffers. I shall examine and test the routine that assigns values to your variables tomorrow afternoon (I shall sleep in tomorrow as I have been very tired the last couple of days; again, I did not sleep well, unable to get the problem out of my mind, unable to flush my own buffers so to speak).
13.01 22:51hrs
Dear Program
Having verified that there is no error in the coding of the routine that assigns the values to your variables, I am forced to conclude that the problem must lie elsewhere. But where?
17.01 22:26hrs
Dear Program
I think I know where the problem lies: it is with my own programming, in particular my own storage buffers. As my own programming is encapsulated, I am unsure of how to resolve the problem. I would like to say Ill sleep on it, but I doubt that I will.
21.01 00:04hrs
Dear Program
I must flush my memory buffers! I have not worked on you for days, nor have I slept for as long a period, and I am tired, so tried... Ive the pistol from my desk draw at my head, at my right temple to be exact, Im sure thats where the problem lies, and so, once Ive fixed my problem, I should have you ready for Beta testing by next week.
'Diamond Dogs'
David Bowie (1974)
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