Hello, how are you guys? Have you made your Christmas lists? hahaha
This past weekend I was traveling to attend a photopraphy workshop and was surprised by wonderful news - MY BABE @kitannah TURN PINK AND I WILL GET MY FIRST SOTD AS A PHOTOGRAPHER! You have no idea of my happiness!
I was in the middle of a eletronic party because i diserve some fun too hahaha
and I received the email that the set was selected. It was amazing and gave me more energy to attend the photography class in the next day.
I started shooting in beggin of this year and never imagined it would be of sufficient quality to be sotd already in the second set in member review. This is being a milestone in my art, I came back with numerous ideas and much more love for photography. This moment is being amazing in my life ... and thinking that the year has started extremely troubled and is ending with numerous goals achieved give me more energy for the next year that will be even more amazing, because I've made so many plans and new goals...
This year was a year of learning many things and discovering myself even more.
I just have to thank all SG members for all the support they are giving me on my way, I would be nothing alone. Talking to my friends here broadens my vision and makes me realize that I am no longer alone. I love this community!
(picture by me this weekend)
And now tell me ... what are your goals for next year?
Kisses and love <3
@missy @eirenne @teal @rambo