Okay, happier blog as promised.
Right, well firstly, after months of being screwed about, told the company I work for to go shove their job up their arse, and walked straight into a new one! Result! Better hours, and it'll work out in the end with more pay. So woop woop.
Also (for those that don't follow my FB) I got 2 pieces of work back from college, and got really REALLY good grades in them! I mean totally awesome grades, so much so I surprised my self! So WOOOO! Life is on the way up!
Right, well firstly, after months of being screwed about, told the company I work for to go shove their job up their arse, and walked straight into a new one! Result! Better hours, and it'll work out in the end with more pay. So woop woop.
Also (for those that don't follow my FB) I got 2 pieces of work back from college, and got really REALLY good grades in them! I mean totally awesome grades, so much so I surprised my self! So WOOOO! Life is on the way up!
it's niiiiiiiiiice !! nice one 

and yes tea is what winners drink.