Sexisum is fine.
So long as you're a woman.
Seriously. I'm a guy right, born in the 80's so mostly educated in the 90's really. And the 90's are widely known for not being raceist / sexist enough. But even so what my education in the 90's has taught me is that Sexisum, and raceisum is plain wrong.
You are male, and white.
True story.
The asian kids ( and in this country that generally means people from the Indian subcontinent) used to call each other "Pakki" all the time. This is a racest slur. If I'd have said it, there's every likely hood I'd have been returning home with a broken limb.
Today one of mine and Laura's friend was bitching on facebook about how she has too get up for work at 5:30am. I told her suck it up. Last week, and every earlies week I am usually in the car at 05:30am. Her response was
But your a man! ur supposed to be off to work early!
I mean jebus cripies. If I'd have said that I'd probably have been ripped to shreads. And I am expected to that on the chin.
Feckin pisses me off you got flamed for some things (for example I called somebody a polish knobhead at work. He was polish, and I thought he was being a knobhead. Not racest, cos he is. And I got told of for not respecting his place of origin. WTF!?!).
I also hate "But I can't do <insert thing here> cos I'm a girl / woman." How about "Fuck off." Woman wanted equal rights, so tough shit. Do it ya fuckin self. Don't expect some guy to come rescue you.
So No I wont be giving up a seat on a bus / Train to an able bodied woman. And No I am not a gentleman. I had that "Beaten" out of me.
And breath....