So, were do I start? Maybe with an apology. I have to apologise to a number of people here, I haven't replied to their messages yet, haven't been around here much at all. But I have to admit, I do not feel extremely bad about it
. Life's been treating me very well and seriously, who could have thought how much time a relationship takes??? Without you even noticing. Time runs like fast river. I have seen and tasted and experiened so much over the past weeks and months, it's just fantastic.
Ok, I never make promises to others just to myself. So I did promise myself to finally take some time and answer your lovely messages. I'm confident the ones who I mean to address here know that I mean them. Well, bit cryptic, but surely the message came accross
Yeah, and of course I'll update you on my life and post pics some point's a quick verbal preview:
Swimming in the lakes
Moving house
Saying I love you for the first time ever in German
That's it for now. I have an evening off, what a rare thing, and I'm doing something romantic, uhhhh, romantic.....what did I turn into?????? Haha. Anyways, I've bought this beautiful leather bound book, empty pages, like a diary thingy, ya know, and I started writing about our relationship a couple of weeks ago. Plan is, to fill the thing with lots of meaningful words, what I feel (cause I'm crap at saying things), pics of what we did, places we went name it. And that'lll be his Christmas present.

Ok, I never make promises to others just to myself. So I did promise myself to finally take some time and answer your lovely messages. I'm confident the ones who I mean to address here know that I mean them. Well, bit cryptic, but surely the message came accross

Yeah, and of course I'll update you on my life and post pics some point's a quick verbal preview:
Swimming in the lakes
Moving house
Saying I love you for the first time ever in German
That's it for now. I have an evening off, what a rare thing, and I'm doing something romantic, uhhhh, romantic.....what did I turn into?????? Haha. Anyways, I've bought this beautiful leather bound book, empty pages, like a diary thingy, ya know, and I started writing about our relationship a couple of weeks ago. Plan is, to fill the thing with lots of meaningful words, what I feel (cause I'm crap at saying things), pics of what we did, places we went name it. And that'lll be his Christmas present.
It always feels good, that feeling (or so I'm told), and your book of words seems like a neat idea