So, were do I start? Maybe with an apology. I have to apologise to a number of people here, I haven't replied to their messages yet, haven't been around here much at all. But I have to admit, I do not feel extremely bad about it
. Life's been treating me very well and seriously, who could have thought how much time a relationship takes???...
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I'm really sorry for not having replied to so many of you as of yet. So many things happed, the weather was lovely and I was busy all of the time enjoying life. I hope to finding the time for a long update post soon and will add some pics. Thank you all for your patience!
hey..alles klar? ich freue mich etwas von dir zu lesen!
i'm impatient here!!! 

How fantastic is it having a week off work??!!!! Been to Switzerland lately, pics below. Went for a lovely long mountain bike tour with the bf yesterday (60 km!) and 2 days ago to this lovely little moor lake, well hidden in the woods in the middle of nowhere.........warm and soft water, sunshine touching our naked skin, sleeping with the wind lightly kissing us............picknick and...
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PS: pic 1 - 6: Luzern, Switzerland / pic 7 & 8: my currently most favourite secret place for making out open-air 

Sieht hbsch aus
aber als Zrcher muss ich da schon mein Veto einlegen 

Out out, everyone! Enjoy the sunshine! We're gonna have a BBQ and garden party tonight and tomorrow off to the lake doing absolutely nothing!
My new tattoo is looking great, only needs some minor corrections and next Thursday we're gonna do the other little one (told you, we ran out of time at the last session). I've decided on the next one: Gonna have a...
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My new tattoo is looking great, only needs some minor corrections and next Thursday we're gonna do the other little one (told you, we ran out of time at the last session). I've decided on the next one: Gonna have a...
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that looks yummy!!

Looks good! Great addition for sure 

Danke schn! Das ist ja rgerlich! Wr kul gewesen sich zu treffen, aber wer weiss, was nicht ist kann ja noch werden 

So, having found out that my nose piercing hadn't healed in over ten years, I finally did buy a new ring. (pic below). What I hadn't considered, was that the stud is a lot thinner than a nose ring. I'm an idiot. By the time I finished torturing myself and finally managed to get the bloody thing in, I had tears running down my cheeks....
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Oh my, das Dessert sieht ja gut aus 

This little dessert should be delicious
Made with only good ingredients!

I took my nose piercing out 10 years ago. It never really healed, I mean you could always see where it was pierced. So I just gave it a try and guess what: it never even healed/sealed, not even a tiniest little bit. Considering getting a new ring on Friday when I see my ink artist anyway.
coming up soon: Austria, England, Italy, Switzerland, Ibiza. more ink. life is good.
Hope you have a good evening

Hope you have a good evening
Hahaha, it may be too potent.
'tis a dangerous thing
'tis a dangerous thing
4 weeks to go: England (my favourite place on earth after Ibiza) here I come again!!! hehe.....and my friend hasn't sold his fancy camera equipment maybe, we'll take some more or less naughty pics 

South this time! and maybe I'll spend the last day in London, I'd like to go and see some art stuff...........we'll see to the pics' level of naughtiness... 

Nice! This will be Clearly a great trip. No doubt. I love going in London but i've never been somewhere else in England. Maybe next time! Bring us some pics, naughty or not!

It always feels good, that feeling (or so I'm told), and your book of words seems like a neat idea