overheard two ladies ragging on each other about needing to shave-beasty women and yes there was obvious stubble on their chinny chin chins-bearded ladies aren't nothing new but to hear them squabble was entertainment-as for me experiencing some interesting phenomenon-wiping my ass and jizzin-yep-nothing orgasmic-just physiological
if there's nothing good to say then just don't say anything-had to sand blast the cheese off my teeth-a little less yellow if not anymore whiter-feeling crippled after being bunched upped on the train and going to get me some therapy
when the only hope punk ever had for this world is that it would choke on its own vomit this is a fine place to find ourselves-bring up the irony of it all and people will not see the truth of ideals and convictions being sacrificed-instead i'm a pissy poor loser-well for me the reconciliation comes with the compromise made for my daughter and that...
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I always CC everything to myself... soooooo... if you get this fixed lemmie know and I will send it again!!

reading others journal entries-big deal-a sight inside some heads screening scenes-feeling there are those out there that have a clue-in my wanderings its easy enough to see into situations that might offer inspiration but crossing that line is an altogether different thing-so here are the goods and the good chance that that line will ever be crossed-scary how this is better in that way-a little...
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the truth of alcoholic inhibitionless setting straight any wonder about what beauty or lack of that lies within was wed. night theme for me-don't go beyond a beer or two or a glass of wine very often and it's more on an annual basis that any hard alcohol is involved-truth serum-so indulging with my roomate at that point where there is to much energy within...
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YAY!! Sunday nights is the ONLY good time to listen anyway... and hey... if you like what you hear... do me a favor and sign our guestbook with Anarchy Playground Praise!! =O)...

... I'll drop sumpthin fer ya.. .if you contact me with a REAL first name!!

this site makes a fine sounding board for the angry young man in me that for obvious reasons has refused to die-purge and reform would admit that i've failed-all these pretty people in the name of fashion and consumerism in a self proclaimed circle jerk portrait of punk or alt-i'm fucking bitter-all would be friends of mine if not for their pretense-friends would be nice...
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Hey, why puke on your own parade. Seem more like a funeral march of some sort. If I learned anything in "the good old days" of angry young man-dom it was this - life is meant to be enjoyed. Self-reflection is a very important aspect of life and but not at the expense of everything else. I just got tired of being angry. Now my anger is focused and channeled. When I deliver my "fuck yous" I do it with a smile and the knowledge that I know a better way. I try to be the best person I know how to be everyday. Your unviersalization of your beliefs in how punk and commercialism have resolved their differences are interesting indeed. I think about the same thing often. However, everyone has their pretenses. That's just a simple fact of life that cannot be denied. You, me, and everyone that uses this virtual portal. For some punk/alt is Green Day for others its the Varukers or the Minutemen. Who's to say which is better. All choice is individual. To you and I some may appear to be happy idiots - but at least they're happy.

felt inspired to incite-had to leave a comment on aging punks unanimous to the effect of how the hell is this world reconcilable to any ideal ever held by these so called punks-how can i allow myself to be absorbed by commercial culture so much as to be here on this site-any fucking site-making this shit paper reality anything to relate to-i've noticed though how...
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Feel free to leave more comments. The Yeastie Girls and Lunachicks are all right by me. There's plenty more threads on APU you can go through, and any input is better than no input at all.
fucking with the gods because they're in it for something-and there is nothing to lose so i choose-middle of the road-no hype for the muses that lead you down the highway to hell-bearing full blown social dis-ease in the face of all folly and knowing the transparency that the gods use to defuse attempts on their ill-fated illusion-fancy imaginings-well fuck you and where are you...
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i love to sleep under great expansive mind-sedated-monkies flinging shit on stainless steel-watch it slip out of sight leaving bright and shiny as it is-this place is full of pretty people and a few minds that shine through as being something other than a bother-if it aint one thing its a bother-gloom despair and agony on me-that's not the hole truth-butt the truth-poor tortured soul...
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chitter chatter of brain matter being batted around-brain splattered stained by sticky bits of inane shit the stench of which makes me cringe and twitch-all life is suffering-fucking buddha-someone had to make sense-you can live a lie-truth takes on a life that can't be denied-look at the monkies free from ideals-living without me-and me blind from mine-and you skin deep joyously buying lies that decry...
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