why so seroius? ok i was quoting the joker from the dark knight. heres my issue. im 29. ive been dying my hair purple now for 7 years. i love it what can i say. i dont care what people think but here lately ive been hearing. "arent you a lil old to have purple hair?" and you need to grow up time to be seroius!" it kinda bugs me but not too much. id like to hear some opinions about what you think about it. i mean i just redid my hait the other day. it just kinda rejuvenates me and makes me feel like im different and i standout. i like that feeling. is there something wrong with that? please feel free to leave me your input. thats for reading this.
I dont do mine pink for other peoples please. I do it cut it makes ME feel colourful and fun.
thanks for commenting on my set
you rock.
do you see them?