"Jason? Guess what? I'm going to be in Portland in about two or three hours. Want to hang out?"
This is how I do trips to Portland. Got an email a couple days ago about an art show, and thought "hey, that sounds fun, and I'm not busy that night." Turns out it's DebraJean's gallery? Hadn't seen her and her fella in years, and I may have to make another impromptu trip in the not-too-distant future so that I might actually get a chance to talk to them, as they were awfully busy.
I didn't think to bring my camera (I never do), but I got a couple crappy pictures with my phone of some artwork I really liked. They had some really good stuff. Artists I got excited about: Gea (naturally), Shaun Partridge, DebraJean's self-portraits.
I drug (dragged? drug? no clue right now) my friend Adam along with me. He's generally up for these ridiculous adventures, even though he has to work at 7:30 this morning. We probably spent twice as much time driving as we actually spent in Portland. But it was still a good time, and something out of the ordinary.
Had some crap in my life recently, but nothing worth sharing. I thought this was, though.
"Jason? Guess what? I'm going to be in Portland in about two or three hours. Want to hang out?"
This is how I do trips to Portland. Got an email a couple days ago about an art show, and thought "hey, that sounds fun, and I'm not busy that night." Turns out it's DebraJean's gallery? Hadn't seen her and her fella in years, and I may have to make another impromptu trip in the not-too-distant future so that I might actually get a chance to talk to them, as they were awfully busy.
I didn't think to bring my camera (I never do), but I got a couple crappy pictures with my phone of some artwork I really liked. They had some really good stuff. Artists I got excited about: Gea (naturally), Shaun Partridge, DebraJean's self-portraits.
I drug (dragged? drug? no clue right now) my friend Adam along with me. He's generally up for these ridiculous adventures, even though he has to work at 7:30 this morning. We probably spent twice as much time driving as we actually spent in Portland. But it was still a good time, and something out of the ordinary.
Had some crap in my life recently, but nothing worth sharing. I thought this was, though.
By the way, happy much-belated birthday. Sincerely.
In all seriousness though, I've never especially excelled in social situations. You can ask anyone. Over time I got better at it, going out with the same people week in, week out. Then even if new people entered the circle I versed enough to roll with it. But if I had to guess I'd say all these months of not going out have gotten me out of practice. Kind of lame to be going through in my 30's, but there it is.
I'll tell you what, if I see you at an event I will promise to talk to you. I won't promise that it will be the most scintillating conversation you've ever had or that it wouldn't totally awkward, but I'll do it all the same. If, that is, you promise me that you won't beat me up about my nervousness. I do enough of that on my own.