So.... I just noticed I like to start blog/journal entries with the word 'so' kinda wierd I guess... anyway I'm back from my awesome weekend roadtrip to PA.. on Friday hit up a kickass show in Clarion with my favorite small time band The Pax Cecilia (formerly Autumn Wind Thesis) as well as a few other bands local to the state. The one band alone made the trip worth it to me and I scored their latest cd as well as a free button and sticker.. awesome. After that a long night spent driving and attempting to sleep in my car brought me to Saturday and the Hell-o-ween party in Washington. I guess I could say I had fun but I was pretty much lost until things started to slow down and the crowd thinned out.. I didn't really know anyone and I suck at just walking up to people and starting a conversation. All-in-all it was an enjoyable night and I got to meet Sid and Siv two SG's whom I find to be incredibly cool from even the briefest amount I got to talk to them.
What else.... oh yeah.. I've forgotten the names of the awesome guys who gave me a couch to crash on last night.. but they were my heros.. I think I should have made the effort to catch their names
Oh and props to those of you who knew what the heck I was dressed up as, I feel validated despite the geeky cult film fan side of me it revealed.
Anyway pictures/details from the show once I get my film developed. I didn't bother taking any at the party, plenty of people allready doing that.
You are a Rage Zombie. Infected monkeys attacked some PETA zealots, and 28 days later, you're a mindless raging living zombie. You never died, but in the 20 seconds between your infection and zombification, you wish you had. You can be killed with surprising ease.
What kind of Zombie are you?
What else.... oh yeah.. I've forgotten the names of the awesome guys who gave me a couch to crash on last night.. but they were my heros.. I think I should have made the effort to catch their names

Oh and props to those of you who knew what the heck I was dressed up as, I feel validated despite the geeky cult film fan side of me it revealed.
Anyway pictures/details from the show once I get my film developed. I didn't bother taking any at the party, plenty of people allready doing that.

You are a Rage Zombie. Infected monkeys attacked some PETA zealots, and 28 days later, you're a mindless raging living zombie. You never died, but in the 20 seconds between your infection and zombification, you wish you had. You can be killed with surprising ease.
What kind of Zombie are you?