- on hatedproud's page
Marketing gimmick shenanigans pretty much confirmed at this point.
The powers that be are officially claiming it as a billing error or some such, but the number of account re-activations and the fact that they're all from the early years of SG (2004-05) pretty much points to an attempt to get old members interested in the site again.
Not that I'm complaining too much mind...
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The powers that be are officially claiming it as a billing error or some such, but the number of account re-activations and the fact that they're all from the early years of SG (2004-05) pretty much points to an attempt to get old members interested in the site again.
Not that I'm complaining too much mind...
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It is odd, just came across the thread today and its like 5 people reactivated a day.

So dunno what's up with this, but either someone decided to randomly drop some cash and ask me to re-activate my account, or there's some sort of marketing gimmick shenanigans going on. I think I'm just going to pretend to myself that I have some sort of generous secret admirer like the invite email insinuated. Though if that's the case, I really wish said imaginary,...
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I don't quite have the phone problems completely sorted out yet-- but I am using computers when I can until I can get home.
If you eventually solder anything cool circuit-bent toys, let me know. I would love to hear about it.
If you eventually solder anything cool circuit-bent toys, let me know. I would love to hear about it.
Hes a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his nowhere land,
Making all his nowhere plans
For nobody.
Doesnt kave a point of view,
Knows not where hes going to,
Isnt he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man, please listen,
You dont know what youre missing,
Nowhere man, the world is at your command.
Hes as blind as he can be,
Just sees what...
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Sitting in his nowhere land,
Making all his nowhere plans
For nobody.
Doesnt kave a point of view,
Knows not where hes going to,
Isnt he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man, please listen,
You dont know what youre missing,
Nowhere man, the world is at your command.
Hes as blind as he can be,
Just sees what...
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check out my latest and lastest journal for a special halloween goodbye present
I've jsut seen your Sims SG's clothing in one of the albums on here...wow! I want them sooo bad 

Sooo... update.. yeah..
Been working alot lately.. most of the spare time therafter has been spent hanging with the crew and what has become more or less our house. Though we tend to stay packed into one little room, camped out around the x-box and television.. playing mucho Halo 2 for hours on end.
Other than that, I havn't been doing shit. But I'm content
Been working alot lately.. most of the spare time therafter has been spent hanging with the crew and what has become more or less our house. Though we tend to stay packed into one little room, camped out around the x-box and television.. playing mucho Halo 2 for hours on end.
Other than that, I havn't been doing shit. But I'm content

Happy Monday!


So I have nothing to say...
Do not doubt the nougaty goodness!
Do not doubt the nougaty goodness!
wait is your sign on halo2 bloodlust?
I am confused as to who I played with last night lol
Where the hell are you.

I've been passinng the GI Joe stuff all around thanx man!
So it's 4:30AM and I'm sitting here in my friends house updating my journal on a laptop in the dark. Fun stuff.
I hung out with some of the crew from about 10:30pm on, playing entirely too much Halo and drinking entirely too much caffiene. And before you ask where the beer was I'll save you the trouble, none of us drink.
In other news,...
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I hung out with some of the crew from about 10:30pm on, playing entirely too much Halo and drinking entirely too much caffiene. And before you ask where the beer was I'll save you the trouble, none of us drink.
In other news,...
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Welcome to SG Great Lakes

Pictures from a local cemetary, taken Halloween 04
I need a hug.
thanks man for taking those pics, they turned out really well.....there was tenatively 17 people involved so far 5 people have picture sets and i believe 5 people had to back out. Soo i'm just waiting on the results of the others. It's like the election its 50/50, hopefully some more people stepped it up...i'll let you know more details as i figure some of them out, tanks again.
So I took my Sis and her friend to a little attraction called Terror in the Trees tonight.. it was okay I suppose. Some mildly surprising parts but not nearly enough to make me so much as jump... I spotted pretty much every one of the guys doing the scaring before they popped out behind me to scare the females in the group.. real bad...
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"Live or die. Make your choice."
I went to see Saw and I must say it was awesome. Aside from a little bad acting (at times drawing laughter from me) it was a very well written and executed horror flick. Blood and gore abounds, though I'm told it was worse before they cut it down to an R rating. Some classic quotes like the one...
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I went to see Saw and I must say it was awesome. Aside from a little bad acting (at times drawing laughter from me) it was a very well written and executed horror flick. Blood and gore abounds, though I'm told it was worse before they cut it down to an R rating. Some classic quotes like the one...
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nothing wrong with being a creepy stalker.
i'm gonna have to catch saw this weekend. maybe i can convince my friend i'm going to the KMFDM show with to go and see it with me.
i don't know if i'll be here for the new years bash... i might be in atlanta, GA visiting my mom, sis and bro.
i'm gonna have to catch saw this weekend. maybe i can convince my friend i'm going to the KMFDM show with to go and see it with me.
i don't know if i'll be here for the new years bash... i might be in atlanta, GA visiting my mom, sis and bro.
cemetary it up & bring a camera