Uh... I'm having WAY too much fun playing Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I haven't gotten a damn thing done in over two weeks now. So here's a half-ass entry.
Fill in the blank:
"When I think of Heaven, ______."
Fill in the blank:
"When I think of Heaven, ______."
unfortunately, she does not eat anything with tomatoes. sadly, this includes pizza. she thrives on chicken fingers, frenchfries, cheerios, and pancakes [she makes a mean pancake], but i got her to try pita and hummus, and she likes it!
but she LOVES to make out. fuckin scorp girls. they think with their nay-nays. plus, [yay] you get to co-own a cult. sweeeet.
quit the laziness, dammit, and come pick me up on your next adventure. if im not gonna be employed, the least i could do is fly and fight crime. damn.
in actuality, my perfect day got topped off by a bird shitting in my hair. *pouty mad face* thats good luck, right?
hey! just cause she doesnt eat pizza doesnt mean you cant still marry her! you can still order even dominos. she just orders the chicken kicker thingamabobs. and she doesnt bitch about us eating pizza. it just means you dont have to share it with her. YES. thats the ticket!
besides, shes got a nice rack