A salute to those who provide my coffee.
Cafe Mam Coffee
Cafe Mam (sounds like `mom`) is grown by ISMAM (Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Madre of Motozintla), a co-operative of native Mayan farmers living in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The growers are of the Mam Tzetzal ad Moche peoples. ISMAM is organized on egalitarian democratic ideals that stress responsibility to the co-op, hard work and high standards; their programs help the communities in many positive ways.
organically grown
The ISMAM farmers are required to provide terracing, biodynamic compost, legumenous shade tree, regenerative pruning, and seedling nursery for three years before their harvest is classified as organic. The co-op has built more than twenty insectaries to raise beneficial insects. The farmers use biological remedies for plant diseases or other pests.
ISMAM`s farms, milling and transport operations have received six independent organic certifications: S.K.A.A.L./ECO in the Netherlands, Naturland in Germany, V.S.B.L.O. in Switzerland, O.C.I.A. International in the U.S. and Canada, Biodynamic Institute for Rural Studies of Brasil, and A.M.A.E. in Mexico.
Efforts are taken to insure that the coffee does not contact any chemicals in growing, cleaning, drying, milling, bagging, shipping, import customs, U.S.D.A. inspection, transport, warehousing, or roasting process. The Swiss Water Process decaf is certified organic. We test the coffee after import inspection. In four years of residue testing, no pesticides have been detected. The coffee is stored on our certified organic farm and roasted and shipped as orders are received. We feel confident stating that it is free from contaminants.
very high altitude European grade beans
Most American coffee drinkers do not know that Europeans buy a higher grade coffee than Americans. European grade coffee beans cost more than American grade beans. Coffee connoisseurs agree that European grade coffee has a richer, smoother taste. European grade allows one-half (2%-4%) the defects (black, sour, broken beans, or debris) as American. European grade beans are smaller (11 mm. maximum size vs. 15 mm. for American). Smaller beans and fewer defects produces a smoother, more uniform roast.
There are two varieties of coffee trees, Aribica and Robusta. Aribica is more flavorful and contains less caffeine than Robusta. The best flavored Aribica beans come from the highest altitudes (1000 meters up to the frost zone-1700 meters). Royal Blue Organics imports only European grade, certified organic, high altitude, Aribica beans from ISMAM.
supports pesticide reform
For each pound of Cafe Mam sold, twenty cents is donated to the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP), a leader for more than 15 years in reducing poisons on the planet. NCAP (P.O. Box 1393, Eugene, OR 97440, (541) 344-5044) is publisher of the quarterly Journal of Pesticide Reform.
NCAP, a membership organization, is the best source to obtain unbiased data on the effects and formulations of pesticides. NCAP offers information on hundreds of pesticides and alternatives for many pest problems. NCAP provides direct assistance and referrals for pesticide exposure victims. NCAP gives organizing assistance for citizens working for policy reform in their communities.
breaking the circle of poison
A number of pesticides have been banned in the United States but are still used in the third world countries. Many non-organic coffee growers routinely use these poisonous chemicals. These toxins can contaminate coffee and the people who drink the coffee. Banned pesticides re-entering the U.S. have been in the new recently at the `circle of poison.` By using organic farming practices, the ISMAM farmers do not support the polluting chemical industry. ISMAM farmers use compost instead of chemical fertilizers. Beneficial insects and herbal teas are used instead of insecticides. Hand weeding is used, not herbicides. Cafe Mam coffee, grown under these practices, is free from contaminants.
saving the rainforest
Many non-organic coffee farms destroy the forest so the coffee can be sprayed aerially. ISMAM farmers preserve the jungle canopy and encourage a biological diversity of plants and animals. Terraces conserve rainwater and reduce run-off. Paths and streams are protected to prevent erosion.
worker dignity
Most coffee (including some organic coffee) is grown on large plantations with labor provided by local peasants who receive very low pay. Cafe Mam is grown by native American farmers on their own land. The ISMAM co-op is founded on principles of no hired labor; the ability of landless refugees to secure land, and equal workshares for each fully organic member. In recognition of its social and environmental programs, ISMAM was invited to the University of Oregon and honored by Mecha for Earth Day.
socially responsible
Equality is keystone of ISMAM`s philosophy. Each farmer gets paid on a work-share basis, not how much his/her individual farm yielded. Farm sizes vary between 1 and 10 acres. The value of the work-share increases as each farm becomes fully organic and the harvest is worth more. ISMAM has grown from 59 members to over 1300 members in 6 years. In order to avoid exploitive situations, committee and officer terms are for one year with no re-election.
Cafe Mam Website
Praise coffee!
Cafe Mam Coffee
Cafe Mam (sounds like `mom`) is grown by ISMAM (Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Madre of Motozintla), a co-operative of native Mayan farmers living in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The growers are of the Mam Tzetzal ad Moche peoples. ISMAM is organized on egalitarian democratic ideals that stress responsibility to the co-op, hard work and high standards; their programs help the communities in many positive ways.
organically grown
The ISMAM farmers are required to provide terracing, biodynamic compost, legumenous shade tree, regenerative pruning, and seedling nursery for three years before their harvest is classified as organic. The co-op has built more than twenty insectaries to raise beneficial insects. The farmers use biological remedies for plant diseases or other pests.
ISMAM`s farms, milling and transport operations have received six independent organic certifications: S.K.A.A.L./ECO in the Netherlands, Naturland in Germany, V.S.B.L.O. in Switzerland, O.C.I.A. International in the U.S. and Canada, Biodynamic Institute for Rural Studies of Brasil, and A.M.A.E. in Mexico.
Efforts are taken to insure that the coffee does not contact any chemicals in growing, cleaning, drying, milling, bagging, shipping, import customs, U.S.D.A. inspection, transport, warehousing, or roasting process. The Swiss Water Process decaf is certified organic. We test the coffee after import inspection. In four years of residue testing, no pesticides have been detected. The coffee is stored on our certified organic farm and roasted and shipped as orders are received. We feel confident stating that it is free from contaminants.
very high altitude European grade beans
Most American coffee drinkers do not know that Europeans buy a higher grade coffee than Americans. European grade coffee beans cost more than American grade beans. Coffee connoisseurs agree that European grade coffee has a richer, smoother taste. European grade allows one-half (2%-4%) the defects (black, sour, broken beans, or debris) as American. European grade beans are smaller (11 mm. maximum size vs. 15 mm. for American). Smaller beans and fewer defects produces a smoother, more uniform roast.
There are two varieties of coffee trees, Aribica and Robusta. Aribica is more flavorful and contains less caffeine than Robusta. The best flavored Aribica beans come from the highest altitudes (1000 meters up to the frost zone-1700 meters). Royal Blue Organics imports only European grade, certified organic, high altitude, Aribica beans from ISMAM.
supports pesticide reform
For each pound of Cafe Mam sold, twenty cents is donated to the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP), a leader for more than 15 years in reducing poisons on the planet. NCAP (P.O. Box 1393, Eugene, OR 97440, (541) 344-5044) is publisher of the quarterly Journal of Pesticide Reform.
NCAP, a membership organization, is the best source to obtain unbiased data on the effects and formulations of pesticides. NCAP offers information on hundreds of pesticides and alternatives for many pest problems. NCAP provides direct assistance and referrals for pesticide exposure victims. NCAP gives organizing assistance for citizens working for policy reform in their communities.
breaking the circle of poison
A number of pesticides have been banned in the United States but are still used in the third world countries. Many non-organic coffee growers routinely use these poisonous chemicals. These toxins can contaminate coffee and the people who drink the coffee. Banned pesticides re-entering the U.S. have been in the new recently at the `circle of poison.` By using organic farming practices, the ISMAM farmers do not support the polluting chemical industry. ISMAM farmers use compost instead of chemical fertilizers. Beneficial insects and herbal teas are used instead of insecticides. Hand weeding is used, not herbicides. Cafe Mam coffee, grown under these practices, is free from contaminants.
saving the rainforest
Many non-organic coffee farms destroy the forest so the coffee can be sprayed aerially. ISMAM farmers preserve the jungle canopy and encourage a biological diversity of plants and animals. Terraces conserve rainwater and reduce run-off. Paths and streams are protected to prevent erosion.
worker dignity
Most coffee (including some organic coffee) is grown on large plantations with labor provided by local peasants who receive very low pay. Cafe Mam is grown by native American farmers on their own land. The ISMAM co-op is founded on principles of no hired labor; the ability of landless refugees to secure land, and equal workshares for each fully organic member. In recognition of its social and environmental programs, ISMAM was invited to the University of Oregon and honored by Mecha for Earth Day.
socially responsible
Equality is keystone of ISMAM`s philosophy. Each farmer gets paid on a work-share basis, not how much his/her individual farm yielded. Farm sizes vary between 1 and 10 acres. The value of the work-share increases as each farm becomes fully organic and the harvest is worth more. ISMAM has grown from 59 members to over 1300 members in 6 years. In order to avoid exploitive situations, committee and officer terms are for one year with no re-election.
Cafe Mam Website

Praise coffee!