So far so good. A mistake or two here and something good there. Everyday I learn something else. But today there's some tears in my eyes, after four years, I've finally admitted something on a thread in one of the groups that I tried to hide from everyone. I feel much better now.
Its time to move on and make peace with what I'm going through and take the bull by the horns to make a better future for myself and my little girl.
Today aswell, i'm gonna start my studies for web and graphic design. I was gonna study for accounting. But I changed my mind. Didnt really feel comfortable with it. I was afraid that I might get bored with it. My brother is a web and graphic design tutor at a college here in S.A. I've got everything I need and he is going to tutor me. I will be writing my international exams at his college when I'm done.
So, a good day to everyone, and good luck for the hopefuls and congrats to the new suicide girls, also Kohana,
you have done very well. You make an awesome sg.

Today aswell, i'm gonna start my studies for web and graphic design. I was gonna study for accounting. But I changed my mind. Didnt really feel comfortable with it. I was afraid that I might get bored with it. My brother is a web and graphic design tutor at a college here in S.A. I've got everything I need and he is going to tutor me. I will be writing my international exams at his college when I'm done.
So, a good day to everyone, and good luck for the hopefuls and congrats to the new suicide girls, also Kohana,


your little girl