Did I mention that I played soccer this weekend? I can't believe I got up the balls to actually do it. By the second half I had serious concerns that I might have burst a blood vessel in my brain. I'm going to have to start jogging or something.
I'm so stoked about not going to war with North Korea. I do think it's Ironic that we're kind of giving them money and a promise not to invade in exchange for not making more nukes. You know since that's about what we promised them ten years ago under Clinton. North Korea is fascinating. It's a total police state. People have no contact or information world. It's like a living time capsule. The country has also been in a permanent state of famine since the collapse of the soviet union. People there don't grow up going to school. They spend their time looking for food. I was listening to a translated interview of some sort of missionary that was helping people who managed to escape across the Chinese border. She had actually studied the effects of malnutrition amongst the younger refugees. On average North Koreans are are about a 8 inches shorter than those in the south. Almost all interviewed said that they had never eaten meat and that one of the staples of their diet was grass. Fucked up.
I'm so stoked about not going to war with North Korea. I do think it's Ironic that we're kind of giving them money and a promise not to invade in exchange for not making more nukes. You know since that's about what we promised them ten years ago under Clinton. North Korea is fascinating. It's a total police state. People have no contact or information world. It's like a living time capsule. The country has also been in a permanent state of famine since the collapse of the soviet union. People there don't grow up going to school. They spend their time looking for food. I was listening to a translated interview of some sort of missionary that was helping people who managed to escape across the Chinese border. She had actually studied the effects of malnutrition amongst the younger refugees. On average North Koreans are are about a 8 inches shorter than those in the south. Almost all interviewed said that they had never eaten meat and that one of the staples of their diet was grass. Fucked up.
im gald you did manage to get up and go play. i would probally pass out dead if i had to do any form of exercise at this moment.