here's a couple of qoutes I picked up recently.
The problem of liberal/conservative bias (in the news media) is a red herring. The real bias is toward laziness, toward entertainment, toward confrontation, toward that which will drive the ratings. The real story is this incredible laziness. It seems like the whole institution has lost its
- David Javerbaum - Head writer for The Daily Show
"Tax hikes are against god."
- Some republican nut job on the Mint Hill city board. Mint hill is where I grew up in the subburbs of charlotte. I saw this one in the papper while I was up there.
That's enough politics, here are pictures of my critters.

The problem of liberal/conservative bias (in the news media) is a red herring. The real bias is toward laziness, toward entertainment, toward confrontation, toward that which will drive the ratings. The real story is this incredible laziness. It seems like the whole institution has lost its
- David Javerbaum - Head writer for The Daily Show
"Tax hikes are against god."
- Some republican nut job on the Mint Hill city board. Mint hill is where I grew up in the subburbs of charlotte. I saw this one in the papper while I was up there.
That's enough politics, here are pictures of my critters.

oh, and snap out of it kid! You never know if you're ever going to get another oprotunity to design a presentation that will educate illegal aliens on how to use a debit card!
[Edited on Jun 14, 2005 12:09PM]
I've not been grocery shopping lately - make sure they're not around for snackin' 'cause they're cute enough to eat!
Your kids are awesome.
Consider me officially jealous.