Goin' on up to Charlotte this weekend. Should be interesting.
I wonder if I'm going to get cancer. Both of my grandfathers died of it. Of course working with Asbestos in the ship yards of WWII didn't help. The radioactive Iodine that the government released into the air around the Yakima valley near the Hanford testing grounds mostly effects the thyroid, but could have been a contributing factor as well. Ironic that my dad worked there for a while. But me, I just smoke. I smoke a lot. According to Ariel Gore the Chinese smoke when they are sad but can shed no tears. It's because they desire heat on their lungs. Funny enough, my old friend Terry Fu says it's because the only way to get a break during the work day is if you smoke. Why do I get satisfaction from the intersection of romanticism and grinding reality. Sadly that's going to be my life for a while. Gut wrenching but interesting. I hope it will be interesting.
I wonder if I'm going to get cancer. Both of my grandfathers died of it. Of course working with Asbestos in the ship yards of WWII didn't help. The radioactive Iodine that the government released into the air around the Yakima valley near the Hanford testing grounds mostly effects the thyroid, but could have been a contributing factor as well. Ironic that my dad worked there for a while. But me, I just smoke. I smoke a lot. According to Ariel Gore the Chinese smoke when they are sad but can shed no tears. It's because they desire heat on their lungs. Funny enough, my old friend Terry Fu says it's because the only way to get a break during the work day is if you smoke. Why do I get satisfaction from the intersection of romanticism and grinding reality. Sadly that's going to be my life for a while. Gut wrenching but interesting. I hope it will be interesting.
i have to have a clove every now and then. i like the taste of them