Whoa, what a cool fuckin' day.
So i wake up at about this time last night because it's well, hot, and i can't really go back to sleep because i'm drenched with sweat and preoccupied besides. So i'm like, what the hell am i going to do for 3 hours before i have to go to work? I was in a really shitty mood for whatever reason and didn't really feel like reading, which i've always found to be a Bad Sign.
So i walked to K-Mart to get some rechargeable batteries. Also disposable, single-blade razors. And OMG Coliwali, you are SO right about those things. I am in love.
Anyway, the whole walking thing picked up my spirits considerably, which effect i had totally forgotten. So then i went to work, and it was a really really shitty day at work. My GM left after an hour or two to do some stuff, so we were short a manager; one of the hosts didn't show up; two of the servers didn't show up; like, four cooks couldn't make it; so we were just severely understaffed, with the entire restaurant packed, and it was still freakin' hot.
So Mike and i ended up working a lot together on sales reports and End-of-Day paperwork, and he was having a pretty shitty day too because BeautifulGirl told him the other day that she didn't want to date him anymore; so we had this really weird bonding going on, feeling shitty together, tackling the crowd together, it was Good Times. I let him borrow my car to get a can of gas for his, and when he came back, we talked about cars for a bit, until BG showed up which became really awkward really fast.
BG invited me to throw I Ching with her, which was kind of different. It was, truth be told, pretty awesome. Lot to think about. And i think each of us was thinking something totally different in terms of interpretation of the Confucian maxims, but that's probably why it's so cool in the first place.
One of my coworkers showed up drunk for the second time this week. She just got out of jail for a DUI offense, so this is probably Really Bad News. She told me, in her lofty drunken melancholy, that she just needed to relax, to do something Fun. She said she thought there ought to be more than just Work and going home.
I told her there is nothing but Work.
So then i related this event to BG and she basically said i was retarded, that Work is important, perseverance and determination and whatever, but that totally ignoring Fun is imbalanced. Time for everything under the sun, sort of thing. Curse her for seeing straight through to my deepest weakness.
Then i apparently slept through a thunderstorm.
So i wake up at about this time last night because it's well, hot, and i can't really go back to sleep because i'm drenched with sweat and preoccupied besides. So i'm like, what the hell am i going to do for 3 hours before i have to go to work? I was in a really shitty mood for whatever reason and didn't really feel like reading, which i've always found to be a Bad Sign.
So i walked to K-Mart to get some rechargeable batteries. Also disposable, single-blade razors. And OMG Coliwali, you are SO right about those things. I am in love.

Anyway, the whole walking thing picked up my spirits considerably, which effect i had totally forgotten. So then i went to work, and it was a really really shitty day at work. My GM left after an hour or two to do some stuff, so we were short a manager; one of the hosts didn't show up; two of the servers didn't show up; like, four cooks couldn't make it; so we were just severely understaffed, with the entire restaurant packed, and it was still freakin' hot.
So Mike and i ended up working a lot together on sales reports and End-of-Day paperwork, and he was having a pretty shitty day too because BeautifulGirl told him the other day that she didn't want to date him anymore; so we had this really weird bonding going on, feeling shitty together, tackling the crowd together, it was Good Times. I let him borrow my car to get a can of gas for his, and when he came back, we talked about cars for a bit, until BG showed up which became really awkward really fast.
BG invited me to throw I Ching with her, which was kind of different. It was, truth be told, pretty awesome. Lot to think about. And i think each of us was thinking something totally different in terms of interpretation of the Confucian maxims, but that's probably why it's so cool in the first place.
One of my coworkers showed up drunk for the second time this week. She just got out of jail for a DUI offense, so this is probably Really Bad News. She told me, in her lofty drunken melancholy, that she just needed to relax, to do something Fun. She said she thought there ought to be more than just Work and going home.
I told her there is nothing but Work.
So then i related this event to BG and she basically said i was retarded, that Work is important, perseverance and determination and whatever, but that totally ignoring Fun is imbalanced. Time for everything under the sun, sort of thing. Curse her for seeing straight through to my deepest weakness.
Then i apparently slept through a thunderstorm.
Screw fun. Work is everything.
I don't have the greatest track record in the not-going-crazy-when-girl-not-interested. But yeah, once you've laid it out there, you're pretty much done. Sorry!