So i said i was extremely. happy the other night, and i suppose i should offer some explanation, for my own sake. It's just damn cool to be doing something you love with people you love, to feel like you're not Wasting Time, to have good friends with whom you can hang out for no reason other than the friendship itself, and with whom you can be perfectly honest - to learn, to grow, and to feel like you're helping people you care about; to have goals and plans to reach them, to have mentors, and family, and beautiful weather...all of those things are pretty damn cool in my opinion. Also, the beautiful girl with whom i'm completely enamored is planning to attend SuperGP's housewarming party Saturday. I cannot contain my joy!
Sometimes, the meaninglessness i perceive in life is pretty oppressive - i get consumed by Purposelessness, and it's pretty depressing. And i think sometimes setting happiness as your primary goal makes it nearly impossible to achieve. But other times, it's really just beautiful, life, whatever it is. Whether it means anything, whether ends or means, it is a beautiful thing. And that makes me Quite Happy.
Sometimes, the meaninglessness i perceive in life is pretty oppressive - i get consumed by Purposelessness, and it's pretty depressing. And i think sometimes setting happiness as your primary goal makes it nearly impossible to achieve. But other times, it's really just beautiful, life, whatever it is. Whether it means anything, whether ends or means, it is a beautiful thing. And that makes me Quite Happy.
i certainly can't think of any other explanation.
Hey it's cool that you're feeling good. Even if you don't exactly know why.