I am mutable. I suppose that should be more depressing than it is.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 22, 2004
Blah blah blah, whine about unrequited love, blah blah blah blah, sel… -
Wednesday Jul 21, 2004
So i finally gave in. I'm running Windows right now, because i reall… -
Tuesday Jul 20, 2004
So i wrote this long letter to BeautifulGirl about how i thought it w… -
Sunday Jul 18, 2004
So that was weird. I played DDR: Extreme at Main Street vs. Beauti… -
Saturday Jul 17, 2004
So i smoked my last cigarette just now. I went outside with my dog, … -
Friday Jul 16, 2004
So i'm pretty convinced i have a mood disorder - either Seasonal Affe… -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
So guess what, guys? I must admit, my last 8 months of posts have … -
Tuesday Jul 13, 2004
So i'm waiting for rain. Lots of change these days. Switching shi… -
Monday Jul 12, 2004
Whoa, what a cool fuckin' day. So i wake up at about this time las… -
Sunday Jul 11, 2004
I swear to God i had this Life thing down not two months ago. What t…
depressing. vt. To lower in spirits; deject.
Depression would seem to be a subset of mutable, then.