Have you considered the benefits of being a rock superstar? Live large? Big house? Blah blah? You're oblong?
Yeah, so i did some reading by C.S. Lewis to calm down a bit. Also because i think i'm supposed to be reading, like, ahh, Nicomachus or something, and i don't happen to have him on my shelf ATM.
To calm down a bit. Put things in perspective. Being madly in love tends to put things rather out of perspective. Read, ahh, 'Till We Have Faces', which is basically about how love is usually not love - it's hard to explain - also, 'The Four Loves', which is basically about what the hell is love, anyway?
They both had some pretty good thoughts on the subject. In 'The Four Loves', he's talking about Eros, right, which is romantic love - though i know anyone actually reading this is going to think that a fairly superfluous definition - anyway, he's talking about Eros, and he uses the term 'tragicomic' somewhere along the line. This term, this idea, i like.
The situation with Hot Girl, pretty tragicomic. I think she likes me - it turns out she's not really interested. Her friends, kind of interested; customers, kind of interested; HG, however, just not happening. Instead, she is in love with one of my managers, whom she, i dunno, sometimes doesn't really like at all. Mike. Mike and i, good friends - at least at one point in time. He's an older guy, 29, probably really likes HG, but kind of in an oblivious way; he's pretty self-absorbed at times...
I say tragicomic because in some ways, i'm totally heartbroken, HG is pretty confused about Mike, about me, about, well, everything, and a little heartbroken, Mike is pretty, ahh, ambivalent - plus all of these relationships, me vs. Mike, Mike vs. HG, HG's friends vs. me, HG vs. HG's friends, me vs. HG, all kind of a little bit weirder and sadder because of Eros. It's that time of fuckin' year, ya know? And it's some kind of tragic. But at the same time, at the same fuckin' time, it's kind of this joke, kind of this over-the-top sort of comedy of errors we've got going on, and when i take a step back i can see the humor in it. It's a game, after all, and getting shafted in the process is just the price of admission.
In any case, i think all i can do is just continue being totally taken with this chick. For one thing, i can't help it. Besides, at this point i feel obligated to play out the part. I just hope i don't end up as the guy that winds up taking hemlock accidentally in Act IV.
Have you considered the benefits of being a rock superstar? Live large? Big house? Blah blah? You're oblong?
Yeah, so i did some reading by C.S. Lewis to calm down a bit. Also because i think i'm supposed to be reading, like, ahh, Nicomachus or something, and i don't happen to have him on my shelf ATM.
To calm down a bit. Put things in perspective. Being madly in love tends to put things rather out of perspective. Read, ahh, 'Till We Have Faces', which is basically about how love is usually not love - it's hard to explain - also, 'The Four Loves', which is basically about what the hell is love, anyway?
They both had some pretty good thoughts on the subject. In 'The Four Loves', he's talking about Eros, right, which is romantic love - though i know anyone actually reading this is going to think that a fairly superfluous definition - anyway, he's talking about Eros, and he uses the term 'tragicomic' somewhere along the line. This term, this idea, i like.
The situation with Hot Girl, pretty tragicomic. I think she likes me - it turns out she's not really interested. Her friends, kind of interested; customers, kind of interested; HG, however, just not happening. Instead, she is in love with one of my managers, whom she, i dunno, sometimes doesn't really like at all. Mike. Mike and i, good friends - at least at one point in time. He's an older guy, 29, probably really likes HG, but kind of in an oblivious way; he's pretty self-absorbed at times...
I say tragicomic because in some ways, i'm totally heartbroken, HG is pretty confused about Mike, about me, about, well, everything, and a little heartbroken, Mike is pretty, ahh, ambivalent - plus all of these relationships, me vs. Mike, Mike vs. HG, HG's friends vs. me, HG vs. HG's friends, me vs. HG, all kind of a little bit weirder and sadder because of Eros. It's that time of fuckin' year, ya know? And it's some kind of tragic. But at the same time, at the same fuckin' time, it's kind of this joke, kind of this over-the-top sort of comedy of errors we've got going on, and when i take a step back i can see the humor in it. It's a game, after all, and getting shafted in the process is just the price of admission.
In any case, i think all i can do is just continue being totally taken with this chick. For one thing, i can't help it. Besides, at this point i feel obligated to play out the part. I just hope i don't end up as the guy that winds up taking hemlock accidentally in Act IV.
Yes. If you track me down this morning, you can steal it now, or you'll have to wait until I get back from Motown.