Safehouse. Six o'clock. It is (as far as i can tell) a date.
Yet there's always this weird space of time where you don't really know what she means by the word 'cute'. Or, for that matter, what she means by consenting to a cup of coffee at Safehouse. So, red alert. Should i be straightforward and ask where we stand, or should i, in the interest of not putting her On The Spot, just have a good time and see what happens?
In other news, my managers at work are Cool As Shit. I was asking my GM a work question, and he just smiled at me and asked when i was going to get a real job.
Yet there's always this weird space of time where you don't really know what she means by the word 'cute'. Or, for that matter, what she means by consenting to a cup of coffee at Safehouse. So, red alert. Should i be straightforward and ask where we stand, or should i, in the interest of not putting her On The Spot, just have a good time and see what happens?
In other news, my managers at work are Cool As Shit. I was asking my GM a work question, and he just smiled at me and asked when i was going to get a real job.