I spy something green!
PATTERN ALERT: Pattern spotted off future prow, est. 2-3 weeks
TYPE: Downward spiral of self-pity
I can call this one. SO: there's this beautiful girl who used to work with me, now she's at this art studio doing design, she stops in all the time (i work at a restaurant) for the overnight shift and just chills for a couple hours, getting work done, whatever. Well, lots of beautiful women at my work, no deal, i'm not out trolling for lays, you get the. .
But anyways, you know the drill, asks me to go smoke with her, comes over and talks to me for about an hour while i'm cleaning up, asks for my number, etc. IT'S A GODDAM PATTERN WHAT DID YOU EXPECT A TWIST GET THE F*$* OUT OF MY JOURNAL #@&'92'349(*
Oh. And she's really cool, kind of self-actualized in a 19-yr-old sort of way. I hate most kids my age. I don't hate her.
Okay. So i'm thinking there's two possibilities here: A) she is interested in me, or B) she thinks i am, as the more evil of that sex like to call it, 'safe'. Now i'm not the sort to fall for this mushy-mushy bullshit, so i'm gonna go with B. And i'm about 95% sure she really is interested in me, in which case she's going to think i'm being standoffish because i'm not interested in her. In which case she will quickly give up and start dating one of my coworkers. Then i will say nothing of all this to either of them, but i will never be comfortable around them ever again. Then all their friends will think i'm rude, and since this now involves about 70% of the restaurant staff, i will be fired from my job. Since i will no longer be able to pay rent through normal means, my roommate will volunteer me for a highly dangerous, eXtReMeLy experimental extraterrestrial exploration excursion space thingy. and I WILL DIE.
God damn you, beautiful chick from work.
Seriously though, i sincerely believe the first half of the above hypothesis, perhaps up to dating my coworker, has happened to me several times. IS there any solution?
PATTERN ALERT: Pattern spotted off future prow, est. 2-3 weeks
TYPE: Downward spiral of self-pity
I can call this one. SO: there's this beautiful girl who used to work with me, now she's at this art studio doing design, she stops in all the time (i work at a restaurant) for the overnight shift and just chills for a couple hours, getting work done, whatever. Well, lots of beautiful women at my work, no deal, i'm not out trolling for lays, you get the. .
But anyways, you know the drill, asks me to go smoke with her, comes over and talks to me for about an hour while i'm cleaning up, asks for my number, etc. IT'S A GODDAM PATTERN WHAT DID YOU EXPECT A TWIST GET THE F*$* OUT OF MY JOURNAL #@&'92'349(*
Oh. And she's really cool, kind of self-actualized in a 19-yr-old sort of way. I hate most kids my age. I don't hate her.
Okay. So i'm thinking there's two possibilities here: A) she is interested in me, or B) she thinks i am, as the more evil of that sex like to call it, 'safe'. Now i'm not the sort to fall for this mushy-mushy bullshit, so i'm gonna go with B. And i'm about 95% sure she really is interested in me, in which case she's going to think i'm being standoffish because i'm not interested in her. In which case she will quickly give up and start dating one of my coworkers. Then i will say nothing of all this to either of them, but i will never be comfortable around them ever again. Then all their friends will think i'm rude, and since this now involves about 70% of the restaurant staff, i will be fired from my job. Since i will no longer be able to pay rent through normal means, my roommate will volunteer me for a highly dangerous, eXtReMeLy experimental extraterrestrial exploration excursion space thingy. and I WILL DIE.
God damn you, beautiful chick from work.
Seriously though, i sincerely believe the first half of the above hypothesis, perhaps up to dating my coworker, has happened to me several times. IS there any solution?
Yes. Forward such women my way. I will take care of them for you.
So why dont you talk to her and tell her youre not interested?