Suicide Girls are a bad influence. Individually and as a group. While I did actually get some work done on my Term Paper today (mainly because I found out that it needs to be around ten pages long, thus doing it the night before is not really an option), I also spent I lot of time looking at really hot girls.

Like, really hot. Also,...
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Playing it cool usually results in someone else running off with the object of your affections. There's nothing wrong with giving it a shot.

Which Poirot are you reading?
LOL, yes it is the done thing to reply on other people's journals.
So today I actually did something.

You see every year the university rolls out the mostly metaphorical red carpet in order to tempt new students to come join in the fun. Or, in the case of my department, rolls out the present students in red t-shirts which say "School of Informatics" on them. Today I was one of those students (it's the fourth or fifth...
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You're in SG Scotland now, get over there and make some noise.

My first SG journal entry. Today I was supposed to do three things:

1. Revise for my exams a bit.
2. Do some work for my term paper.
3. Start learning the programming language "LUA" for my summer project.

And so far I have:

1. Signed up to SG.
2. Arsed about.

It's a start though.
Look at hot chicks Vs revision.

Yeah I can see why you ended up here. biggrin