Also! I have a new set coming out in just over a month shot by legendary @coolicio š It's called Sunshine Daydream which is one of my favourite Grateful Dead lyrics. I really can't wait you guys! It's such an intimate set, shot right after I chopped all of my hair off. Keep your eyes peeled!
So I spent some time in Colorado with family, and then went up to Seattle to a specialised glass school on Puget Sound Pilchuck Glass School for nearly 3 weeks taking a sculpture class on full scholarship. How lucky am I?
It was good to visit family, pretty intense at times, but really beautiful to see my brothers family and re-connect with my niece and nephews. It had been 4 years so a lot had changed! Also saw heaps of my really dear, close friends so that was fantastic. Friends I've known for nearly 30 years and it's like nothing's changed when you catch up. I love friends like that.
Best ever. Colorado is sooooo beautiful and my family live on 35 acres so it was pretty beautiful to spend summer there. We also went to Estes Park for the 4th of July and a family reunion with all of cousins and Auntys and Uncles.
We also went to the Stanley Hotel where they filmed the Shining..redrum..
So I refrained from smoking weed in the legal state of Colorado, but I definitely let my guard down in Washington state when I got to the school. We were a class of 11, with 3 TAs & 2 teachers, & pretty well everyone smoked or vaped or ate edibles or all of the above so I decided to go for the 'when in Rome' outlook.
The class was co-taught by an American based in Seattle, and a Japanese guy, with 3 awesome teaching assistants. I've been to Shunjis studio in Narita Japan, but had never met Scotty, though we have a million mutual friends. Here's the beautiful instructors
We had SO MUCH FUCKING FUN YOU GUYS!! We made a My Pet Ball the 2nd day, PLEASE do yourself a favour and have a look at My Pet Ball on Instagram. It's the funniest shit you ever did see. I laughed for 3 weeks straight about the shenanigans we got up to with this 30lb solid lump of glass, and if you want to see MORE check out my own Instgram posts of My Pet Ball. š¤£ You will die laughing. That's not all!!! We did some epic shit, my class was amaaaaaaaazing
We made a giant batch of authentic Okonomyaki šš» We cooked meat in the glory holes (glass re-heating chamber)
Some stuff I made in the class..
It was really fun to just experiment and try new stuff. The best part was on the last day, we had a smashing party and smashed pretty much everything we made, plus a million beer bottles
I was pretty sleep deprived, our class started at 6am every morning so we were getting up at 5am and I was averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep a night, for 3 weeks. By the end my head wasn't screwed on straight, plus I was generally high as hell every afternoon and drinking a million Rainier beers, so this happened..
After that happened I was determined not to miss out on the last nights partying & shenanigans and ended up going to this structure, where the keg was..
How beautiful is it? They call it the Trojan Horse.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand then this happened..
I had a wee too much to drink and slipped down the dark steep trail, which led to this ankle getting totally fucked. I didn't have travel insurance and seriously didn't want an overseas hospital debt so I rode it out for a couple of days until I could get home to Australia, even though my instincts told me I had broken it. I missed my connecting flight so had another 24 hours in San Francisco with some good mates, but that long haul flight was pretty brutal with all of the swelling oh god.
When I got home I got an X-ray and sure enough I fractured my fibula, but luckily not that badly š¤£ My ankle joint is stable and I didn't need surgery or plaster so I've got one of those classy boots on that can weight bare when I'm ready. The bummer is I can't work for about 5-6 weeks and am pretty well laid up, but obviously the universe wanted me to slow down for awhile, and that's what I'm doing! I lost my 6 week teaching gig, but they are going to have me as a visiting artist later in the semester instead. My other teaching job I'm going to get into when I'm able, around 4 weeks from now, & eventually get back to waitressing too!
I've made it this far with no broken bones or stitches so it was bound to happen eventually. It was completely and totally 100% worth it, I had the time of my life and that's all that matters.
Since getting back I have been smoking small amounts of weed again, steering clear of the codeine and trying to keep in check. Weed is so normalised in the states it's hard to think negatively of it. I know I was seriously over using with an addiction, but I'm hoping to have it in moderation at the right times and see how I go.
Sending you all much love, & hoping you're all doing fine. I Love sharing stories with you all @rambo @missy š
Xoxoxo Harvest