Fucking hell you guys, that was one of the best weekends I've EVER HAD!!!! Our annual SGAustralia ball was this weekend, along with an epic shootfest with ALLLLLLL the babes holy hell!
We got naked, & had so many laughs..
Here's me with the beautifuls @lexiacon @tonks & @dlilac having a bath after we got high as fuck 💚 I'm so excited, I shot 2 sets this weekend! It was meant to be 3, but one of the houses we were shooting at had a few complaints so we had to put off my shoot with @coolicio for now. On Friday I shot with beautiful @victory on this gorgeous Melbourne rooftop
here's a squinty bts shot:
It was so beautiful up there you guys!
Here's @tonks shooting with @captureofcthulhu on the other side..She is my solid rock this girl, one of the best friends I've had, & such a fucking South African goddess!! LOOK AT HER!!!!!
Holy hell, there was shoots EVERYWHERE!!! @exkyu & @countessa were shooting @hylia
This is gonna be so fucking good oh my god you guys!!!
I got this sweet little raw unedited pic back from my set with @victory that day:
I am so fucking excited for this set you guys!!! It's gonna be so good I think!!
This weekend was epic. It was so awesome to finally meet a lot of people from the site I hadn't met yet in person, and get to perv on all the shoots..like the goddess @marialauriejupiter when she was shooting with @atlanticlungs at a different shoot house..
This is gonna be amaaaaaaazing you guys!!!!!! It was also a very fan girl moment when I got to meet her man, the famous @augustus_winchester who is charming as hell.
Upstairs the girls were having fun in the shower @lillymaee & @dlilac
Sooooooooo many babes! These girls were so much fucking fun oh my god you guys. I laughed until my belly hurt with these two around.
I also finally got to cuddle with my sweet treasure @sunflower again
She shot some amazing sets you guys! Why oh why is she not Pink?? The previews I saw will certainly change that I think!! I'm so happy I got to see her, I miss her so bad!!
So my 2nd shoot was on Saturday avo with the beautiful @atlanticlungs in this killer shower..here's our 1st teaser..
We had heaps of fun, here's a bts..
There was lots of laughing involved..
So much fun!
So that night we had our massive party with a Gothic theme
@christina was our DJ, & she was amazing & I danced my ass off!!! I fucking love this girl, I only wish I could have spent more time with her this trip.
So I have absolutely no photos of myself from that night, I am waiting for some to surface for me to share hahahaa. I'll tell you now, there were fishnets involved & lots of near nakedness😍 here's an awesome seedy hungover snapchat for you though, because this is reality of a morning after a SGAU ball:
Then there was the big drive home (9 hours) that we took in 2 days, with lots of beautiful canola to look at and fuck all else.
There's so much more to tell, and more pictures to share, and videos too! I barely got any pix, but as more come up, I'll share them with you all!! Our community of SGAustralia is really like no other. The love and support is immeasurable, & the friendships I've made are really like none other. We are so fucking lucky you guys. ❤️ Hope YOU'VE all had an epic weekend too!! Xoxox Harvest