My goodness it was a hands down choice for my favorite group on SG, our recent homework from @missy @rambo & @charmaine! My favorite group by a landslide is SGAustralia
The Aussie Suicidegirls, Hopefuls, & Members have a killer support network within this group. The amount of knowledge, love & support I've received through our group is immeasurable! I've got to say, we have awesome regular catchups, the annual SGAU ball is of epic proportions, & we have killer opportunities like the Sydney Shootfest @pebblezink is organizing! You can read all about it here. It's happening in February & it's going to be sooooo awesome you guys! I'll always love groups like Big Boob Appreciation, SG Hopefuls, & SG420 but SGAustralia wins my heart everytime ♡