I see they like to change the website around every once in a while, bums. depression sucks, need to go get drunk, but stomach not handling it very well any more. gonna stop with the rockstar stuff for awhile. this town is sucking the life out o me. Don't consider myself much of a rockstar with no band to naked tambourine with, and noone but fat chicks and their gay friends. if anyone wants to bash me over the head because of this last comment feel free to do it. I don't care. this sucks need to go to better place. oregon sucks, at least the northwestern part of it. i wanna fuck something that weighs less than two hundred pounds, unless the girl is 6'6". the bars here suck, the women suck, all they wanna do is latch themselves onto someone who has a future ticket out of here. how do ya feel about all that. you crazy knuckleheads.
It is from a website. How are things crazy fucking naked tamborine player.