well the flag wavers were out in full force today showing some good old fashioned US pride. a good old thank you goes out to them today. but funny thing, the protesters were not out at all they are usually across the street. I think they would have been STUPID to protest today. I usually flip them anti war cock-suckers off. no offence. every one of us has a right to their opinion.
well enough political shit for today. My weird friend RockstarINC is back online today, however twitchmc02 might be off untill he gets to the virgins, oops I mean virgin Islands. the bastard. Have to get my camera repaired so I can take some more pics to put on my site.
well enough political shit for today. My weird friend RockstarINC is back online today, however twitchmc02 might be off untill he gets to the virgins, oops I mean virgin Islands. the bastard. Have to get my camera repaired so I can take some more pics to put on my site.
laughing with you, I never laugh at anyone unless they do something funny. well, depends on the situation. gotta go, gonna go celebrate memorial day.

Sounds like a hell of a time! Glad you are able to send your boy off with such a bang...hope the morning doesn't bring the pains of the night before.