So this year, I decided that my New Years resolution was to go Vegan. It's something that I've wanted to do for a very long time now, but never really had the will to go through with, but this year I'm going to make a strong effort to stick with it. I even went grocery shopping at my local health-food market to stock up on some vegan-friendly substitutions. I don't think this resolution will be a hard thing for me to keep up with at all, I've been pescatarian for about 4 years now, so I haven't touched poultry, beef, or pork in a very very long time. The only thing that I think I'll have a challenge with is staying away from sushi... but hopefully I'll be able to resist the temptation of eating fish!
What are some of your resolutions for 2014? I'd love to hear about them!
@smashbase ugh I know what you mean about saving money. Every time I tell myself that I'm not going to spend all my money I end up doing it anyways and buy a bunch of silly things I don't need. I should also probably work on that too..haha.
@ameline I used to eat that all the time when I worked at a Sushi restaurant! It's so good omg.