This week is crude. I have to go back to the dentist with a probable cavity that needs filling. I say "probable" to keep my hopes up because the hygenist wasn't sure, but it's most likely aa cavity. I know my teeth, my dental history and the odds of it not being a cavity are low. Plus that whole work thing is a drag.
I've been slacking on a bunchof stuff. I have yet to put new music in my iPod, even though I have a bunch of new CDs that need to go in. I also wanted to start making some new paintings. I only have a couple of crappy sketches to show for it. Fudge.
I've been into the new Chin Up Chin Up, 120 Days and Oxford Collapse.
I've been slacking on a bunchof stuff. I have yet to put new music in my iPod, even though I have a bunch of new CDs that need to go in. I also wanted to start making some new paintings. I only have a couple of crappy sketches to show for it. Fudge.
I've been into the new Chin Up Chin Up, 120 Days and Oxford Collapse.