well only three more exams to go, man i hate them. exams are such a poor method of testing your ability and aptitude. i think my course especially should be more practical based. fair enough subjects like english cant get away withough doing exams but i think computing can. im not alone in my opinion, one of my lecturers has this written on one of...
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Yes, exams are no fun....actually I always seem to do poorly on them...unless of course they are essay style....I rock at those.
Good Luck...
ERM...by now I guess you have already taken them...so I hope that u did well.
Welcome Back!
smile ive found a few flats im interested in
frown but i cant afford to live in them
smile so im going to buy to let and live at home for another year
whatever havnt shaved for a week
smile think the stubble looks quite fetching
smile went out clubbing for the first time in months
frown it was shit
smile got my student loan this week
frown i have important exams this week...
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smile This is an amusing journal
frown Too bad I'm too tired to really enjoy it.
smile Facial Hair on men is tres hot
frown but it often hurts my face when I'm right next to it.
smile the idea of clubbing is fantastic
frown but it does usually turn out to be shit.

.....very amsuing journal.....it makes me smile
Happy new year everyone!

this week i :
started going back to the gym properly
started looking for houses to buy
continued with my revision
and added a photoset of the pictures taken in amsterdam- enjoy!
Wow...that must have been a crazy little holiday.
What is that on your shirts?

I need to start going to the gym again....
i have some odd friends, this was the message inside a christmas card i received from a mate:

"I have a cunning plan, are you in? all we need is a virgin turkey, a case of beer, a medium sized catapult, roller skates and a jewish choir."

now try making sense of that when youre sober, nevermind after a few festive beverages!
yeah, i was gonna do a bike set, but then a bunch of other girls did them, so i changed my mind. ^_^
i also find that having long, insipid journal comment exchanges lengthens the comment count significantly.
merry christmas everyone!

know its a day or two late but i hope everyone had a good weekend!

new year on saturday, what are people doing for it? im hopefully gonna go to a house party in jesmond if the guys whos house it is can be convinced to throw one!
I ended up having new years eve off from work...haha I didn't have to work Christmas or New Years...I'm guessing someone likes me enough to give me the good days off from work. I was planning to go to FL for new Years eve, but I've decided I want to stay in home....I'm actually thinking of working New Years Eve. I need to trade with someone (anyone) to get out of a crappy shift on Thurs...plus I don't mind working that night, I'm sure it's going to be slow as anything, I can probably get out by 11:00.

You can come to my house for New Years Eve, I can easily be convinced to throw a shindig biggrin
well my brother showed me his christmas present from his girlfriend today. now ive heard of action figures from films and cartoons but historical and scientific figures? no. she bought my brother an albert einstein action figure, louis isnt even an physicist!

Bert Einstein
haha, Einstein action figure is a little weird, but at least it comes with kung fu grip smile

Yeah being with friends is great. That's one thing I really miss since I moved away, sitting around with pillows on our heads being slightly stupid....okay really stupid.

well I hope that you have a happy holiday
well nearly got stranded in amsterdam on thursday, long story, but to cut a long story short, there was five minutes left to board when we arrived at the ferry port. frown well thats what i get for going on holiday with a bunch of stoners.
Bet you got stoned yourself off all the passive smoking???
heh, probably a little bit. i tried some 'herbal' tea, which was ok i guess. i think i drank it too quickly though cos it was getting cold, but it just hit me all at once and i got a little panicky from it- couldnt enjoy it. ah well. smile
haha those a great pics.
Does your band practice in a kindergarten classroom?
haha yeah! lol. its cheaper than most practice spaces, and its a lot bigger than them all too!
haha, its my mate morey, hes one crazy dude, one morning after this house party we found these rolls of parcel tape and bound him up! he tried to get out of it but it was stuck all in his hair in the end we had to cut him out!
HAHA. Morey sounds like one crazy guy, I bet he's a lot of fun. tongue I want to see the extended version of Return of The King....all of those movies are fantastic.

So what are going to do with yourself, since your out of school for a bit?