I've friended WilWheaton, aka Star Trek's Wesley, since it seems I've been watching him in TNG in situations I'd like to be in if I lived in a Star Trek future since TOS hit the airwaves.
Now, call me an Old Trekkie (shudder) but yes, I am old enough that I started watching TOS in first run when on a Saturday night in 1966... Read More
Just in case you are here to give me shit for what you think of me, or my post on the whole "DOG looks like a Racist" issue; the line forms below in the comments section.
In case you don't want to go back and forth in your browser as you compose your crafty attack on all things me, heres a... Read More
Sorry for the boring posts, its been non-stop work for me this month.
I have this Wed and Thurs off and both days I'm at least stopping by work to do what I can to push every last computer out the door before Month's end...
Anyone else on FaceBook? Friend me, I'm Daryl Rybotycki...
Oh, Oh! Read this tres cool interview with William Gibson if... Read More