Well here it is....
Does anyone care about pinup or the art of photo's anymore? or has my once fav site turned into the Punk Lavalife! Please don't get me wrong I do think its kool when people hook up on the site from months of talking or new friendship start as for myself I have afew new friends because of the site! But has anyone been looking at the photoset rejects and the ones that get accepted! I'm not going to point out photosets and point fingers just because its not the girl in the picture that I'm upset about its the quality of the photo's and set layout itself. Once again money and fame has gone to peoples head and they turn away from the good things and focus on the money
So with all that said please don't email me about doing a photoset's of nudes so you can show your friends. Go buy a digital cam and have some fun in your bedroom because my portfolio is not going to be filled with Hustler type photo's
Thats Right I said it and feel oh so much better about it too. I guess my age has kicked in and done with playing games with little boys and girls! To all my friends new and old I still love ya and always will just needed to get soemthings off my chest!
PS: Just because I work and a big TV station does not mean I can get you free stuff and maybe it should not be the first thing you email me about! you know who you are!
Love me or Hate me
Your call
Does anyone care about pinup or the art of photo's anymore? or has my once fav site turned into the Punk Lavalife! Please don't get me wrong I do think its kool when people hook up on the site from months of talking or new friendship start as for myself I have afew new friends because of the site! But has anyone been looking at the photoset rejects and the ones that get accepted! I'm not going to point out photosets and point fingers just because its not the girl in the picture that I'm upset about its the quality of the photo's and set layout itself. Once again money and fame has gone to peoples head and they turn away from the good things and focus on the money

Thats Right I said it and feel oh so much better about it too. I guess my age has kicked in and done with playing games with little boys and girls! To all my friends new and old I still love ya and always will just needed to get soemthings off my chest!
PS: Just because I work and a big TV station does not mean I can get you free stuff and maybe it should not be the first thing you email me about! you know who you are!
Love me or Hate me
Your call

its true
and its cheering me up more than my last journal entry.

neat ....well we will be pasiing this weekend we are going camping up north ...should be a good time.....