Ok I have not updated my journal because I have been sorta AWAL due to many things (Creep CLub & Work ) So I'm sorta back and still working out so much with Creep Club and all the Legal paperwork with my partner... if you wonder why I have nothing to show other then our logo its because we are in the middle of Copyrights and Legal papers before I can show them off ..... I never knew how much legal there was to make sure no one steals your hard work..... BTW Creep Club name and logo have Copyrights please do not use our name or logo without our approval...... So anyways SGer's i hope to have somethign to show off soon please don;t give up on me and Creep Club!!!! and to all my SG Friends Miss ya and will be back once this is all legal and ready to show off
Copyright Dave Daniels 2004

Copyright Dave Daniels 2004
woo hoo! i've been awol too! but i'm back now...so no worries! sorry to skip out on your IM last time, my computer had a thing and it never recovered. Luckily, i bought myself a new one! Yay! 

nice logo