Opps I forgot all about my journal again
Very busy weekend been doing so much with so little time
So all weekend all I could think about was going out to my hometown to see bacardirequiem and do a photoset with her ( and with her I mean shoot her ...and shoot her i mean take a picture of her ......
l ok having too much fun with this) also been getting up to par with my lighting skills for this shoot.... tehehehe can't wait to shoot that sexy girl bacardirequiem ..... ok and for the T-shirt company its still going and still working out all the small things I hope to have somethign to show you this coming month
PS - what a lamer I am I click on bacardirequiem name on my friend list in my preferences and i removed her by mistake .... duh!
bacardirequiem = Sexy
Alittle Zen in your life never hurt
My daily activities are not unusual,
I'm just naturally in harmony with them.
Grasping nothing, discarding nothing...
Supernatural power and marvelous activity -
Drawing water and carrying firewood.
- Layman Pang-yun (740-808)
Very busy weekend been doing so much with so little time

PS - what a lamer I am I click on bacardirequiem name on my friend list in my preferences and i removed her by mistake .... duh!
bacardirequiem = Sexy

Alittle Zen in your life never hurt
My daily activities are not unusual,
I'm just naturally in harmony with them.
Grasping nothing, discarding nothing...
Supernatural power and marvelous activity -
Drawing water and carrying firewood.
- Layman Pang-yun (740-808)

Mwahahaha! *evil cackle etc etc*