So I'm going to post my Ryerson assignment # 5 photo's here and tell me what you think ...
They are six photo's of emotions ... I designed 6 masks with the help of my bestfriend Dave Daniels
I personaly painted them all and here is that the six photo's are about
emotions toward the apple from full to core ........ pick and poke at them please!!! I'm still learning alot about lighting and someday hope to get it down ( yes I too have dreams to light a photo like LITHIUM_PICNIC ) please be honest and tell me what you think .... good or bad it will help me in the future....
So I will leave you with and great quote as you think of something to say about my photos
We must remember that a photograph can hold just as much as we put into it, and no one has ever approached the full possibilities of the medium.
-Ansel Adams -
They are six photo's of emotions ... I designed 6 masks with the help of my bestfriend Dave Daniels

emotions toward the apple from full to core ........ pick and poke at them please!!! I'm still learning alot about lighting and someday hope to get it down ( yes I too have dreams to light a photo like LITHIUM_PICNIC ) please be honest and tell me what you think .... good or bad it will help me in the future....






So I will leave you with and great quote as you think of something to say about my photos
We must remember that a photograph can hold just as much as we put into it, and no one has ever approached the full possibilities of the medium.
-Ansel Adams -
So yeah the big problems I can see is stuff with the lighting. It looks like you used florescent lighs for the photos because they all have a blue hue to them, next time try mixing tungston and florescent lights to even it up a little bit, and give it a warmer glow. Also the lighting is pretty dead on which can lead to some harsh shadows(in the last photo especially) try to difuse it more, and spread out the lighting sources.
Oh and your apple is looking a little yellow, you may want to get a fresh one :p