Well I didn't have the flu.... I ended up in the hospital last Sunday with pneumonia and them pumping 4 liters of water backinto me and a little gravol
Well it's been about 8 days now and I'm just slowly getting back my full energy. Photography update got a 10 out of 10 on my last assignment I'm very happy with that... but I think I may have got a bad mark on my pop quiz
So I'm down to setting up and working on my last assignment and short one model
alittle quote I found that I find so true
"If you are never in love, you will never know your flaws"
oh here is a self portrait I had to do for class

alittle quote I found that I find so true
"If you are never in love, you will never know your flaws"
oh here is a self portrait I had to do for class

and yes I am gay sometimes