The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to the me is more important than facts, the past, the education, the money, the circumstances, the failures, the successes, and what other people think, say or do. It's more important than appearance, talent, or skill. It will make or break... a home, or a company. The best part is we have the choice everyday which attitude we will embrace.we cannot change our past, and we cannot change the fact that people will choose to act in a certain way, nor can we change the inevitable. the only thing we can do is play on the string we have, which is our attitude.I'm convinced life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% of how I react to it.
Well said. Btw after reading you blog I see you have an up coming set. Can't wait to see it. I am sure it will be awesome.
Yes, I do have an upcoming set! It will be my first time completely naked, online...Very very excited about it, but the most exciting part is I just shot another set, so there will be soon coming in the near future!