Have started running.

So far, one time in a row.

I know, awesome right?

Considering I only stopped smoking relatively recently, I'm working on this slowly.

That's all for now.
You've still managed one more run than me, good on ya!!
Stephen Fry makes me laugh til I snort. It's gosh darn unladylike but fuckin hilarious! Also Terry Pratchett keeps coming out with gems like "I reckon that Stonehege was build by the contemporary equivalent of Microsoft, whereas Avebury was definitely an Apple circle."

Just fabulous.

On a recent thread I was asked to define "What is Paganism to you?" ... I'm still forming an answer...
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Just watched Stephen Fry on QI which always makes me laugh.
Thank goodness for youtube or I'd miss out. Such a good show! Spent last night watching every clip I could find. The one about 'how many moons does the Earth have' is just classic smile
Nearly on top of the homework that was set, at least for now. But there's a bunch more to do for tomorrow's class. And I need to spend time on revision, which I haven't been. Urgh.

Still buzzing from the dance practice on Sunday night. It is even more fun now that my lover is my dance partner. He is just beginning but is picking...
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More of the same today. Study, class, home. Banana and apple and coffee. OH YES, COFFEE smile

You girls are so pretty, keep taking those pictures! Showed my darling a couple of my favourite sets and he is keen to take some of me. Bless him and his loving heart.

Right, homework time. Must get off the computer!
a deep kiss from far Italy... coffee and banana are maybe the same! Isabel
My previous plan is scotched by stupid Digbsy not allowing twitter sign-in. WTF? I give up.

I looked out my window earlier and there was ethereal looking foggy mist drenching the city. It was amazing. Now it is blue sky and sunshine!

So I'm going to get some homework done so that I can blob out tonight. My baby is coming over and my flatmate...
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I have succumbed to Twitter. I figure I can do status updates from Twitter, link it to here, and also hook it into my Digsby account, therefore updating Facebook and Gmail. The circle of life is complete... woop woop!

New set by GoGo is just ethereal - I love it.

It's so tempting to try taking pictures of myself but I really don't think I...
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That is correct!!!

Get naked on the interwebz! kiss
If I had your ass I would be less reluctant to... heehee... I obviously need to dance more! smile