Ok wow. Been working for 4 weeks now as legal admin under a legal director who has been v sick and works from home.

On Wednesday, the legal director died.

I'm so freaked out right now!
I keep hoping to be able to post that I have a job!!! But so far, nothing. I'm supposed to hear back from someone but honestly it's been long enough that I've pretty much lost all hope. Goddamn it.

I actually thought the recession was over for a while there. Silly me. And apparently the earthquake in Christchurch is likely to set back New Zealand's...
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Less depressed than last time I wrote!

Sewing lots and tidying my flat which makes me feel better.

Dance lessons are going really well!

Also I got my old bicycle back from Mum & Dad ... guess what, you CAN forget how to ride one!
Still no job. bummer.

Went on a week course for jobseekers.

Feel like a loser.
Gearing up for the big Joust!

The Great Lake Tourney held annually at Taupo is coming up in a couple of weeks - really looking forward to it! My love and I will be camping together again of course - he's an angel to camp with. Hopefully we are sorting a fire pit-tray so we can have a raised fire - it's never sure if...
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Lost a lost of motivation over this last set-back. It really looked like I had that job... now I don't even know why they turned me down. Very upset but trying to snap out of it.

Today, it is raining in the city. Up north where they need it, nothing. Hopefully the weather system will move up the country - there are folks on farms...
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I didn't get the dream job.

They haven't said why. Just that I didn't get it.

I'm so upset. Trying to be philosophical for the sake of those around me, but I'm really cut up inside over this.

I don't know what I did wrong frown
Im so sorry to hear that. Not knowing why is the worst. frown
Just can't understand it... so frustrating... back to square one frown
Getting my results from the dance test on Saturday today - hanging out and dreading it at the same time!!
I have an interview for the job I want!!!

It's in a week - I have time to prepare - I've been reading the bios and information on the firm's website, so that when they say "What do you know about us" I can give them a Hermione Granger answer.

Speaking of whom, I want to go see Harry Potter 7.1 again!

Also am making...
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I've been told not to expect feedback on the job lead I have for ages. I don't mind not starting at the job for a month or two - but I'd really like to know that I was accepted for sure. That way I don't have to actively be seen to be job-searching by the unemployment benefit people.

Meanwhile, my flat is getting tidier and...
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