Okay.... So I am going to bitch about something! And if you don't like it then you can fuck off! Someone please explain to me what goes through a guy's mind when after he's sent you one message he somehow thinks I want to start texting and talking on the phone. Like seriously? Clearly you didnt bother to read my profile or learn a single thing about me. I clearly state Im in an exclusive relationship and make numerous references to a husband! Maybe I missed the memo when I signed up... but this place is in no way a means of me looking for a guy to hook up with! So really, if you're looking to get me to hook up with you... please by all means FUCK OFF!
Girl talks to you = she wants to fuck you.
Girl show's her your boobies = she wants to fuck you.
Girl shows blantant disinterest/intense hatred for you = she wants to fuck you.
Us guys are mostly gigantic hard ons. A good guy is hard (no pun intended,,,) to find.