I am not naive, and I don't claim to know everything, but, I can tell you exactly where this country is headed if we dont pull our heads out of our asses. In no way shape or form is it okay for us as a country to be ONE DAY away from not being able to pay the men and women who, on a daily basis, put their lives on the line for us. Both the Democrats and Republicans need to get it together and realize that at this point, it is NOT about winning the argument, its about doing what needs to be done to support the men and women who have elected them to speak on their behalf. Wake up! It's bigger than your egos people depend on you to make beneficial decisions!!!
You are so right about both sides. I myself am not a Dem or a Rep but see the benefits that both sides can offer. It's a shame that more people cannot see beyond party lines and come together to solve these issues...