ARIES (March 21-April 19): I urge you to spend 2008 turning all of your
pretty good but half-developed notions into a few brilliant, fully formed
ideas. While you're at it, melt down your hundreds of wishy-washy wishes
and recast them into three driving desires. This is the Year of Pinpoint
Aim, Aries, also known as the Year of Lasering Your Focus and the Year of
Seeing with Fierce Clarity. Psyche yourself up for a major campaign to cut
the crap so the essence can shine.
I love my Orlando Weekly Horoscopes. They're always so inspiring. It's Free Will Astrology and here is the link for this weeks Horoscopes-->BLOG.
My boyfriend and I are taking "mini vacation" this weekend and going to St. Petersburg. It's extremely mini cause we're only staying one night. I have MLK day off Monday, and he always has Sundays and (sometimes) Mondays off, so we're taking advantage. We're going to go and see the Dali Museum which is always fun and the Pier Aquarium! I'm excited.
School is alright. It's a lot easier when I properly manage my time which I'm trying really hard to do. It's a lot of reading and no class time so it's all about self dicipline. I only have one class on Wednesdays -- but that is a split class so half the time it's online. I'm doing pretty good so far.
I have a couple pretty new profile pictures thanks to JoLeigh.
She photoshopped the second set I shot with ScottSmallin. Let's hope it gets accepted.
I packed a lunch today in my little Hello Kitty lunch bag. I feel like such a kid.
pretty good but half-developed notions into a few brilliant, fully formed
ideas. While you're at it, melt down your hundreds of wishy-washy wishes
and recast them into three driving desires. This is the Year of Pinpoint
Aim, Aries, also known as the Year of Lasering Your Focus and the Year of
Seeing with Fierce Clarity. Psyche yourself up for a major campaign to cut
the crap so the essence can shine.
I love my Orlando Weekly Horoscopes. They're always so inspiring. It's Free Will Astrology and here is the link for this weeks Horoscopes-->BLOG.
My boyfriend and I are taking "mini vacation" this weekend and going to St. Petersburg. It's extremely mini cause we're only staying one night. I have MLK day off Monday, and he always has Sundays and (sometimes) Mondays off, so we're taking advantage. We're going to go and see the Dali Museum which is always fun and the Pier Aquarium! I'm excited.
School is alright. It's a lot easier when I properly manage my time which I'm trying really hard to do. It's a lot of reading and no class time so it's all about self dicipline. I only have one class on Wednesdays -- but that is a split class so half the time it's online. I'm doing pretty good so far.

I have a couple pretty new profile pictures thanks to JoLeigh.

I packed a lunch today in my little Hello Kitty lunch bag. I feel like such a kid.
You are the hotness!!! I really really like this set alot! It was my pleasure to get to photoshop it and get a sneak peak
Beers = yes. This weekend?