So, just a few minutes ago at work, the fluorescent lighting on my end of the office decided to blink. A lot. Just one square of light over my desk, blinking. On and off. I finally just shut off all of the lights in my corner and now I'm in the dark. People think I'm crazy because I said I didn't want to have a seizure. I'm not epileptic, but I could be. Sometimes that shit just hits you. I need food. And sleep. The past few weeks my house has been filled with family. First my brother and my niece, then my sister and her friend. Now I have peace. I will just sit in my room on my laptop and play WOW for the rest of the week. And wait to see Harry Potter.
This is my sister and I:
We're pretty.
I have a headache.
This is my sister and I:
We're pretty.
I have a headache.
i'm going to boca next week to visit the fam. i'll tell the city you said hi.
p.s. Harry Potter was good!