Name: Jenn
2. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which one would you choose?: love.
3. Do you wish on stars?: Yes, of course.
4. Which finger is your favorite?: does a thumb count?
5. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? squash
6. Would you kill someone?: never say never.
7. When did you last cry?: um.yeah, yesterday..
8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead?: Natalie Portman
9. What TV show or movie TITLE best describes your life? Who watches that much TV
10. Do you like your handwriting?: slowly, yes
11. Who are you jealous of?: molly, only b/c she spends more time w/ my boyfriend than I dob/c she lives with him. J
12. What is your #1 priority in life?: love
13. What is your favorite lunch? Chinese, but not just for lunch, I could eat it for every meal.
15. Are you a friendly person?: yes. I think so and I try.
16. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: yes, I think so, I can be a good friend sometimes
17. Are you a daredevil?: not so muchmolly says not at all.
18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had?: I dont know, its always been cut up when I ate it.
19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: yes....
20. What do you think is the most attractive animated character?: prince eric, from the little mermaid. Hes soo hott.
!21. Do looks matter?: Yes and no
22. Do you pray?: yes
23. Have you ever met any1 famous?: no, but while I was in New York, Jack Nicholson walked passed me. I dont like him much so I didnt care.
24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Its probably been stolen by now.
25. What are your biggest fears?: the dark, being alone, not being loved, crazy bogarts
26. What do you do to vent anger?: cry, talk about it, raise my voice although Ive always wanted to be one of those people who whisper when theyre angry.
27. Are you passive or aggressive?: I think both, depending on the situation.
28. Who is your idol?: Jesus, my dad, my best friends, Nicole Kidman
29. Who is your second family?: Mike, Molly, Tori, Mrs.&Mr.Coffee, Angela
30. Do you trust others easily?: very much so unless theyre plainly trying to feed me bs.
31. What was your favorite toy as a child?: I once had this huge stuffed toy bunny that was 3 times bigger than me, given as an Easter present. I used to always jump all over it and try to throw it around.
32. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: I like school
33. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke? Jokes? What are those.
34. Do you like sappy love songs?: of course
35. Do you think your life so far has been good?: yes
36. Which was your best Halloween costume?: wonder woman
37. Have you ever been on radio or television?: yes
38. Do you keep a diary?: yes, but I like to call it a journal
39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?: yes
41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: yes, but not b/c I wanted to be
42. Are you an overall happy person?: yes and no, lately more no but it usually balances out.
43. Do you feel understood most of the time?: no not at all
44. Do you drink milk?: no. only in cereal.
45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?: sore throat
47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?: holy cow! It used to be eh?
48. What time is it?: 7:09 pm, but this clock is fast.
50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"?: no. but Ive seen it 5 times.
51. Would you rather be hot or cold?: cold
52. What is your favorite body type to cuddle with?: boys w/ plump tummies
53. What was the best Christmas present you received?: the year I saw santa, but no one believes me.why.i dont know.
54. Could you be a vegetarian?: I did it for 40 days for Jesus (lent), but I dont know if I could do it for myselfIve tried.
55. What is ur favorite word to say when u think of something cool?: wow
56. What band has the funniest name?: Fuck Face Jones
57. Would you ever bungee jump?: I dont think so, unless I was being chased but a terrifying object
58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: No. what a silly question, theres no point.
59. Who are your favorite white rappers? You should ask someone who knows anything about rapthat person isnt me.
61. Have you ever given money to a needy person?: yes, but I usually prefer to buy them food.
62. What are you worried about right now?: what dont I worry about
63. Do you ever wear overalls?: eww. Thats the grossest thing Ive heard!
64. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)?: sometimes, right now--no
66. Do you hate anyone?: Mike Clarkif youre out there you will be the one person I kill and then Ill blame you at judgement!
67. Do you regret anything?: I try not to, I didnt use to.
Anyone want to comment. Laputa gave me this nifty thing....Take care.
2. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which one would you choose?: love.
3. Do you wish on stars?: Yes, of course.
4. Which finger is your favorite?: does a thumb count?
5. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? squash
6. Would you kill someone?: never say never.
7. When did you last cry?: um.yeah, yesterday..
8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead?: Natalie Portman
9. What TV show or movie TITLE best describes your life? Who watches that much TV
10. Do you like your handwriting?: slowly, yes
11. Who are you jealous of?: molly, only b/c she spends more time w/ my boyfriend than I dob/c she lives with him. J
12. What is your #1 priority in life?: love
13. What is your favorite lunch? Chinese, but not just for lunch, I could eat it for every meal.
15. Are you a friendly person?: yes. I think so and I try.
16. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: yes, I think so, I can be a good friend sometimes
17. Are you a daredevil?: not so muchmolly says not at all.
18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had?: I dont know, its always been cut up when I ate it.
19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: yes....
20. What do you think is the most attractive animated character?: prince eric, from the little mermaid. Hes soo hott.
!21. Do looks matter?: Yes and no
22. Do you pray?: yes
23. Have you ever met any1 famous?: no, but while I was in New York, Jack Nicholson walked passed me. I dont like him much so I didnt care.
24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Its probably been stolen by now.
25. What are your biggest fears?: the dark, being alone, not being loved, crazy bogarts
26. What do you do to vent anger?: cry, talk about it, raise my voice although Ive always wanted to be one of those people who whisper when theyre angry.
27. Are you passive or aggressive?: I think both, depending on the situation.
28. Who is your idol?: Jesus, my dad, my best friends, Nicole Kidman
29. Who is your second family?: Mike, Molly, Tori, Mrs.&Mr.Coffee, Angela
30. Do you trust others easily?: very much so unless theyre plainly trying to feed me bs.
31. What was your favorite toy as a child?: I once had this huge stuffed toy bunny that was 3 times bigger than me, given as an Easter present. I used to always jump all over it and try to throw it around.
32. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: I like school
33. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke? Jokes? What are those.
34. Do you like sappy love songs?: of course
35. Do you think your life so far has been good?: yes
36. Which was your best Halloween costume?: wonder woman
37. Have you ever been on radio or television?: yes
38. Do you keep a diary?: yes, but I like to call it a journal
39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?: yes
41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: yes, but not b/c I wanted to be
42. Are you an overall happy person?: yes and no, lately more no but it usually balances out.
43. Do you feel understood most of the time?: no not at all
44. Do you drink milk?: no. only in cereal.
45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?: sore throat
47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?: holy cow! It used to be eh?
48. What time is it?: 7:09 pm, but this clock is fast.
50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"?: no. but Ive seen it 5 times.
51. Would you rather be hot or cold?: cold
52. What is your favorite body type to cuddle with?: boys w/ plump tummies
53. What was the best Christmas present you received?: the year I saw santa, but no one believes me.why.i dont know.
54. Could you be a vegetarian?: I did it for 40 days for Jesus (lent), but I dont know if I could do it for myselfIve tried.
55. What is ur favorite word to say when u think of something cool?: wow
56. What band has the funniest name?: Fuck Face Jones
57. Would you ever bungee jump?: I dont think so, unless I was being chased but a terrifying object
58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: No. what a silly question, theres no point.
59. Who are your favorite white rappers? You should ask someone who knows anything about rapthat person isnt me.
61. Have you ever given money to a needy person?: yes, but I usually prefer to buy them food.
62. What are you worried about right now?: what dont I worry about
63. Do you ever wear overalls?: eww. Thats the grossest thing Ive heard!
64. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)?: sometimes, right now--no
66. Do you hate anyone?: Mike Clarkif youre out there you will be the one person I kill and then Ill blame you at judgement!
67. Do you regret anything?: I try not to, I didnt use to.
Anyone want to comment. Laputa gave me this nifty thing....Take care.

HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!
I am going to go to Books a million tommorrow if you still want to work out. sorry i didn't go on tuesday...i had so much to do and my mom wanted me to help her with stuff...then i wasn't able to do any of it b/c i couldn't quit throwing up. hooray for me. yuck! did rachael say anything about band practice? i don't feel so bad that i can't practice on next monday. this may be the end of the band. who knows? i have gotten a LOT of positive feedback on the set from SG. i posted it in the PSW group and people have also commented on it in my journal. i edited them a bit...and even though missy didn't like them i don't mind. i am still glad that we did them. you should look through my picture file on SG and let me know if there are any of them that you want to add to your online portfolio. i am going to try to work on that with josh this weekend while i am in atlanta. we will see though. ttyou soon! i always get so nervous about calling your house for some reason. your dad never sounds happy even though i know he isn't really upset. i guess it is the same for people calling my house though if my dad answers the phone. you have to let me know if you get the corset or not....the bid is almost over...are you and mike hanging out tonight?