Whee; finally broke down and got a DS and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and I must say that I've never had as much entertainment staying up til 7am cross examining a parrot before =)
on a completely unrelated note, an Everest expidition made it to the peak and while several of their laptops, radios, and other electronics failed along the way, the 6 DS's they brought along continued working all the way to the peak and back =)
Edit: Well, I think I know who I'm gonna be for Halloween I suppose =P
on a completely unrelated note, an Everest expidition made it to the peak and while several of their laptops, radios, and other electronics failed along the way, the 6 DS's they brought along continued working all the way to the peak and back =)
Edit: Well, I think I know who I'm gonna be for Halloween I suppose =P
thanks for the message and the add! <3