Hello hello hello,
So, you know how I said I'd be working on another set even before the first ones up? Well, I haven't done it yet. Yep! That's right! I've had oodles and doodles of time and I haven't bothered. Ahhh, lifes good when you can admit to being so very unhealthily lazy.
STILL, despite not actually getting of my donkey and doing the shoot, I've had plenty of time to think of some more shots I'd like to capture- all for your benefit, of course
I tried in vein to persuade the museum to let me use an empty exhibition room. They're far too proper. Bastards. That woulda been awesome. Perhaps I'll just break in...
So, you know how I said I'd be working on another set even before the first ones up? Well, I haven't done it yet. Yep! That's right! I've had oodles and doodles of time and I haven't bothered. Ahhh, lifes good when you can admit to being so very unhealthily lazy.
STILL, despite not actually getting of my donkey and doing the shoot, I've had plenty of time to think of some more shots I'd like to capture- all for your benefit, of course

I tried in vein to persuade the museum to let me use an empty exhibition room. They're far too proper. Bastards. That woulda been awesome. Perhaps I'll just break in...
Don't you just hate right proper pricks LOL They don't have any idea what they are missing out on.
Hell yeah. I feel bad for them really. Such a dull and miserable existence, and they don't even realise. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.