So, kept ya'll wait on this motherfucker eh?
Dead sure you'll all be able to relate, whether you're sick of trying to get a word in edgeways or about to stop reading and talk to yourself about how I'm wrong about what I haven't said yet...
First off, people who finish you're sentence before you've even worked out how you were gonna finish it yourself....
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Okay ya'll. So if you're a friend of mine on Facebook you'd have heard all about my Sunday Hatred blog.
I hope you all have your mood-boots on, cause I'm about to press your buttons
We all know that one person (or if you're truly unfortunate, more than one) that tries to be something they're not- and utterly fails every time. Okay this isn't quite...
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I hope you all have your mood-boots on, cause I'm about to press your buttons

We all know that one person (or if you're truly unfortunate, more than one) that tries to be something they're not- and utterly fails every time. Okay this isn't quite...
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That covers a lot of areas of interpretation. Sadly, many people I've known came to mind. Take care 

Been away a while. Nothing much is new. Sylvanas still hasn't come back
Miss her lots and lots. I dreamt last night that I found her locked in the shed, all skinny and practically dead. But we don't have a shed...
On the plus side there's been no call from the vets or on petsonthenet that she's been found squashed under a car. No news...
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On the plus side there's been no call from the vets or on petsonthenet that she's been found squashed under a car. No news...
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I hope she is alright and has just found a new home. Have fun with the photoshoot! Who are the other girls you'll be working with in December? What are you doing?
I lost my kitty cat :'( Hope she comes home soon.
Sylvanas, Mumcat misses yyyooooouu! (Cause obviously she's using the internet somewhere and will see this blog.)
Sylvanas, Mumcat misses yyyooooouu! (Cause obviously she's using the internet somewhere and will see this blog.)
Hope she returns safe. 

That's sad
I hope it turns out well. Take care. 

Hello to the wonderful world of SG!
So, I promised you a picture of that hole I punched in the wall a while back, and a picture of after I'd fixed it... well, I kinda failed on that front. HOWEVER! I did get an "in the process of being repaired" picture. So that's ok, right?
Yep, totally bodged it- those are disposable plastic plates.... worked...
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So, I promised you a picture of that hole I punched in the wall a while back, and a picture of after I'd fixed it... well, I kinda failed on that front. HOWEVER! I did get an "in the process of being repaired" picture. So that's ok, right?
Yep, totally bodged it- those are disposable plastic plates.... worked...
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Don't punch walls. Punch people. They're more likely the ones at fault.
Hmmm, hmmm, agreeeed. Next time, I'll punch a person xo
Totally stoked by all your wonderful comments on "Room with a View"
It's been too long waiting for the set to go up, and although I may not yet win Set of the Day with it I'm still chuffed at the attention it's been getting. Thank you all for your feedback, kind comments and luuurve

It's been too long waiting for the set to go up, and although I may not yet win Set of the Day with it I'm still chuffed at the attention it's been getting. Thank you all for your feedback, kind comments and luuurve

Congratulations on your first set. You're quite lovely. 
I just realized that you've requested my friendship, (presumably after this exchange in SGNZ). Sorry it's taken so long to respond to it. I don't usually except friend requests based on such brief conversations I've decided to make an exception in your case because, to be honest, I don't know anybody in New Zealand yet, and since part of my reason to travel there is having the opportunity to meet new people.
by the way, SG tradition is that, when someone comments on your blog, you reply on their blog. That way they get a comment notification so they know you've replied to them. When you comment on your own blog the only person who gets a notification is yourself.

I just realized that you've requested my friendship, (presumably after this exchange in SGNZ). Sorry it's taken so long to respond to it. I don't usually except friend requests based on such brief conversations I've decided to make an exception in your case because, to be honest, I don't know anybody in New Zealand yet, and since part of my reason to travel there is having the opportunity to meet new people.
by the way, SG tradition is that, when someone comments on your blog, you reply on their blog. That way they get a comment notification so they know you've replied to them. When you comment on your own blog the only person who gets a notification is yourself.

Room with a View
Hopeful Set
SO! It's been a while. Excited to have the week off work, despite the fact that I'll be spending ALL week cleaning the house and packing. ALSO! Finally found somewhere to live!! I won't be camping on a roundabout on Saturday! Yaaaaay!
There's been rather a lot of shit happening lately. People my little family once called friends turning on us and starting rumours and...
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There's been rather a lot of shit happening lately. People my little family once called friends turning on us and starting rumours and...
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thank you everyone for your kind words. the world needs more people like you!
Very nice
Looking good
That is all.
Same to you buddy! 

what a gorgeous kiwi you are
I am in love with New Zealand i visited like ten years ago but the most unforgettable experience.

Hello hello hello,
So, you know how I said I'd be working on another set even before the first ones up? Well, I haven't done it yet. Yep! That's right! I've had oodles and doodles of time and I haven't bothered. Ahhh, lifes good when you can admit to being so very unhealthily lazy.
STILL, despite not actually getting of my donkey and doing the...
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So, you know how I said I'd be working on another set even before the first ones up? Well, I haven't done it yet. Yep! That's right! I've had oodles and doodles of time and I haven't bothered. Ahhh, lifes good when you can admit to being so very unhealthily lazy.
STILL, despite not actually getting of my donkey and doing the...
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Don't you just hate right proper pricks LOL They don't have any idea what they are missing out on.
Hell yeah. I feel bad for them really. Such a dull and miserable existence, and they don't even realise. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
What was the sentence? How was it finished? and How did you intend to finish it? Or how about giving us the sentence and letting us try finishing it?